Sunday, April 30, 2006

Just Another Day

Well three trips to the dump yesterday...sure wish there were four of me so I could have been every where at once...Crystal and Britt did a great job cleaning the house and watching the kids while the rest of us worked outside...Josh and Donny ran dump runs and took care of anything that needed "destroyed" to fit into the truck. Anna and I drug all the trash to a pile on the side yard so it just needed loaded....WOW this place has not had a major clean up in years I would guess...Behind the shed we found not one or two but 7 garden hoses....with the three on the house already and the two I found under the porch...we are ready for sprinkler season...too bad we only have two water faucets out side....
at one time the house must have had or someone was planning on a shake shingle roof...we found BUNDELS of shake shingles in the wood pile...all nicely banded and ready for "fire starter" should be enough here for the whole summer....Once I put the Heater away we had room for all three "play toys" and the hot tub appears to work...need a heater (erics heats the water up pretty quick but you have to stand 50 feet away from the thing to keep from frying) ....So the story of the day....

As I was cleaning under the porch Trouble kitty decided she needed to be there to chaperone. She planted her fat butt on top of the freezer and "talked" me through raking the trash and pulling the pallets out...her critisim was not much appreciated as at this time as all the kids were inside playing "computer games" or at the dump and I was feeling used...I bent down and not so nicely grabbed a pallet and pulled with all I had...see years worth of straw and grass had anchored these half rotted pieces of wood to the side of the house. Forgetting that I have a 25 pound weight limit I heffted this pallet to throw it over the top of the hot tub and get it out of my way...a HUGE mouse took off scarring the bejebus out of me....Trouble just looked on and sat...okey plus huge mouse...seems she would be a little more interested than a wag of her tail and a snort from her nose...then I saw the "bundle of straw"...knowing that this was probably the little mousies nest I felt rather guilty stabbing it with the rake and yanking the straw free...then I saw the pink squirmy bodies of about fifteen mouse this got the damn cats attention and with in two seconds she was on the nest making the most nasty slurping, crunchy noises, this mixed with the whinny cry of the little dudes as their sibblings were being mowed sent me into a fit of gagging....I too flew over the top of the hot tub...trying hard to get away from the guilt and the noise of Trouble enjoying an obviously very enjoyable meal.....So a small dent in the mouse population...a depressed mama mouse and a full cat....that is when I noticed that the area around the perimeter of the house was soft...they can not get in due to the concrete basement foundation...but they have tunneled near the wall and made a little city around the house....Donny decided his turn to catch mice had come...he spent the next fifteen minutes stabbing any hole he could find with the broom stick and trampling the soft earth down...probably crushing hundreds of poor little baby mousies....the cat will be bummed...but I hope the ones that are left go find the neighbors house....NO MICE ALLOWED!!! On that note the sun is shinning and the dump opens in an hour...seems I can have the truck ready by then...I am on my own Lou Buddy and I have a lot of dump runs still....Eric is working (I swear he knew we had clean up day planned and him like my sister found "other work" to do) Josh and Crystal returned home untill Monday when they can hopefully pick up their car, and Donny got home at 4 and has to go back to work at 2...I think Britt and Noe are around here somewhere but you dont usually see a teenager before noon on a Sunday and if you do you wish you hadn' to all have a good day and BE HAPPY!!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Where are all the birds coming from?

Man I go to bed at a decent hour and wake up to find my father has been eaten by an Eagle...someone needs to talk to the Homer Mayor...seems his eagle problem has gone beyond poop on the roof tops and cars.... My son is no longer a buffalo and he has to take his family with this is a good choice...but "wood peckers"??? Do you not see the problem with this...I will have a hard time teaching Nataly that she is NOT ALLOWED to "knock on the wood" with a hammer...despite her clan title. and you have just given Josh an "excuse" to be tappping his mating song all night long on any wooden structure he can find...glad your house is so close by.
This title will brode well with Crystal as she is pretty good at "pecking holes" in Josh's hard head when he acts like a man....but baby Riley??? Okay she does kind of look like a little red headed warbler........(I think that word had two b's in it)....I will just have to teach her to sing instead of "knocking"....All in all that is a grand title for the kids...(man I am getting old, if I refer to my adult children as kids....what do you refer them as father?) only question is...What about the "fishing abilities" of the wood pecker...I read all clan titles are based on fishing where is the rest of the story?????

Friday, April 28, 2006

Licking Ash Trays

Well hypnosis works...I am a smoker!!! I have always been a smoker and I will not be a quitter!!!
There I feel better. So in the process of hynosis one of the goals is to relax enough that your subconcious mind hears things and can push them on your concious mind. Hypnosis does not make you quit smoking it gives you subliminal tools that help....kind of like the popcorn adds at the movie theater. So part of the session was spent with him telling our subconcious minds "icky" things about know things like the bad smell and breath, the money and "ugliness", well in this little speal he also mentioned "smoking is just like licking an ash would not do that would you?" Well my subconcious mind heard this loud and clear!!! I dreampt all night about licking ash trays....see a very long time ago... even before Hyperboles Horse picture of me...I liked licking ash trays....I would volenteer to "empty" the ash trays that were laying all over, I especially liked the bean bag ones...although I was afraid of my grandpas "deer foot" ashtray. I would empty the ashes and butts out and lick them clean!!! Why? I have no idea but I do remember it was a very satisfying fact I did this well after we moved to Anchorage so I had to be about 10 the last time I can remember doing this...just before I started "stealing cigarettes" from my father. So this little dream problem scarred me....I put the kids down for a nap today and tried again to meditate to the CDs I got last night....I did well...untill I was totally relaxed...almost to the point of sleep...then all I heard from the CD was "....smoking...", ".....smoking....". Now I know more was said but my brain only heard "smoking" I quickly sat up...turned off the CD and proceded to get pissed off!!! My concious brain WANTS to quit do I convinve my subconcious brain of that???? I dream of LICKING ASH TRAYS and ENJOY IT!!!!! reality

Did it work?

If it did not this time it will eventually. I do believe this is the way to quit smoking. After having tried numerous other ways and failed, nursing school and watching people die of cancer I failed to quit, not even cancer itself gave me the motivation to quit. My brain has been trained to go for pleasure not pain. It is instinctual in us all to do this. Now to train my brain that cigerettes are pain not pleasure is the trick...this meditation with enough practice should do the trick...I had to talk my self into waitin till intermission for a cigerette...he discussed the physiological ways nicotine effects us to make us think that we are feeling good for the first half of the program. I found this more benificial than any thing else I have "heard" about smoking and seemed to "take the fun" out of the "high" you try for when you smoke a cigerette...knowing exactly what what was happening to my blood sugar insulin levels and serotonin and dopamine levels made me "rationalize" smoking...this made me want to put out the cigerette....the end of the seminar was spent doing the actual "hypnosis" now this is actually a form of meditation and with the help of a CD or casette if your old like me...anyone can attept this at home...Dad we all got a copy of the CD and will make sure you get one too...put it on the player his "repeat" and go to bed for the night...your mind will do the rest...I believe in this whole heartedly...thanks to my wonderful grandfather...I was given the tool of meditation to help me fight the black whole cancer left me stranded in. I feel that I am now "in touch" with a part of my self that I have never had the key to get to before...I am hoping that with the CD on all night long I will not wake up wanting a cigerette with my am far I have made it three and a half hours....pretty good for someone who was up to three an hour on some days.
So now I am going to bed...good night all and "I'm a non-smoker" (positive affermations)hehe

Thursday, April 27, 2006

hocus pocus mumbo jumbo

Well I have broke down and decided I am going to get hypnotized to quit smoking. I have asked Heidi, Anna, and my father to join me. Heidi and Anna are going so if nothing else we will have a girls night out I guess. It is funny to sit here smoking a cig thinking that this guy can somehow in three short hours convince me I never want another cigerette again. So wish us luck and hope we do not come out clucking like chickens and flapping our arms when ever anyone says "hello".

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

and the headache just gets worse!

well the saga contiues to add up....
Crystal spent the day on the phone, getting insurance,
borrowing the money to get the car out of impound,
and the money to pay the "fine". She wants to close this door and move on, with insurance.
Well the "LAW" has other idea's about this.
Seems a police officer has up to 48 hours to "put in his report" (how come a medical profesional is required to document with in 3 hours so as the facts are fresh in their minds?) This means if your car is impounded they have at least 48 hours to "process" it. At 150 dollars a day you better hope you do not get impounded on a Thursday. They do charge for weekends but are only open 8-5 Monday-Friday!!
To make it even better to get out of impound they can charge you the worth of the vehicle if they so desire. IF you are found guilty and non-compliant they may "arrest" your VEHICLE for 30 days!!!

So for those "law abiding" citizens who get pulled over and feel "rushed" to take care of the issue....DONT!!! it wont really matter for at least 48 hours anyway and then you will continue to be punished even after you have "complied" to their "law". I wonder again why it is that they preach consistancy and fairness?????? reality

Man I have a Headache!!

Well it is once again a new day...the sun is shinning and my husband forgot to take out the trash!! Oh ya he cant anymore...I must get up at 7:30 and do it myself now that the city is enacting "bear patrol" more reason to be pissy at society!!! My damn job is never done!!! I want a raise!!! Or at least bennys!!!!

So once again I wake up to all my children in my home...Josh and Crystal opted to stay the night here versus try their luck in the pick up with all the police patrol out there last night. Did you know that not only will your car be impounded for driving without insurance but you will be arressted and bail is autimatically set at 300 dollars!!! You will need another $400 to get your car out of impound as well as proof of insurance which will cost a young person like Josh about $1500 to start up a policy. So minus "bus fees", a strict diet of water, burning the furniture for heat, and spreading a tarp over their heads...they should be able to save up enough to get the car back in about two months!!!! How they will pay the $1000 dollar premium for the insurace is unknown at this time...maybe they can "slave labor" Natty!!!

I understand the "need" for insurance I have been sued by another driver for an accident, my insuracne company at the time (All State) decided it would be "cheaper" to "settle" and pay the guy 30,000 than it would have been to fight the fact that he was speeding in a school zone, driving without a license (probably did not have insurance either), and removing controlled substances from his vehicle in a school zone!!! He claimed an injury that he was already recieving workmens comp for!!! An open and shut case with a judge on my side as I fought the "parking ticket" (I was parked when he hit me) and won!!! So I do not trust that an insurance company takes my best interest into consideration...only how they can make more money!!!

I feel strongly that if we are going to be mandated to have insurance than damit....someone needs to be "regulating" the insurance companies and their prices!!! Medicine is strictly controlled but we are not "ordered" to carry insurance. If you have turburculosis and are not getting treatment for it due to "no insurance" every time you cough in a store you spread the disease to this fair??? should this person be arrested, have their tissue impounded and charged all kinds of money for contaminating Wall Mart??? I think so!!! If I can be arrested for driving safely with a dirty license plate and no insurance...than that dude who spreads disease should too........he was not being safe!!!

I am just so sick of all the "Bills" we have to spend so much time on....why can our people who think they are so smart GROW UP!!! Why do we need "daddy" standing over our shoulders threatening us with "time out" if we dont buckle up?? It because of "fairness" well when will we learn that what is fair to one is not always fair to another...there is no such thing as "fairness"!!!Adults in our society today have not grown up!! They act like two year olds, constantly fighting over who is better, who should be "loved" more, who has more than who, and who will pay for a wrong doing...seems to me that common sense answers all of the above questions and more!!! Sometimes I am not sure whether to thank my parents for raising me with commpasion, compromise and empathy or hate them for it...maybe selfish and self centered are the only way in life today!! my reality

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Our Childrens Future is Doomed

Well hell it seems this world has finally come to a point where the rich will survive and the poor will perish....a world where only money allows you freedom and comfort. I have so had it with the shit this world has come too. The Law suites, the idiots that think a young person can survive in the wilderness we have created.

Josh and Crystal were on their way home from our house when they were pulled over for speeding. Due to no insurance they have impounded their car and I have sent Eric out to get them and the babies somewhere past Eagle River. Funny how it is expected that a young person can aford to pay 5000 dollars every six months for insurance, on top of their other bills needed to survive. Housing alone takes most of a young persons income. So now they impound their car too. That seems they can not get to work to pay their rent either....Maybe the state just wants to support everyone. I am pissed off!!! I sent Eric out to avoid going to jail myself as I would have told that officer exactly what I thought of him and his stupid laws he upholds. I understand the need for insurance and protecting others as well as yourself....but where the hell are they suppose to get the money for insurace when it costs so damn much!!!
I feel I have failed my children here...this is one thing I can not fix...society has come to a point that our children are set up to fail before they have a chance to begin....unless they come from money....and they wonder why we have all the crime problems and drug dealers out there...they have to pay their bills somehow!!!!

It's Tuesday

I would like to introduce.....Homer-flatulantdisorder (see if that link actually works) Ha ha I am trying!!! He has not posted much yet but I can only assume we will soon see what my loving husband has to say about his loney "out-laws".
For those of you with cable or satalite...the chopper I made is on a commercial for Wicked Women Choppers and OC choppers. It is advertising their first show to be aired in May. Marty the Moose is still a hit on channel 2 and Nickolodian....alot of Britts friends mention they saw me on TV. So when does "fortune" come with the fame?
If anyone out there would like to learn to twist...(Tabitha!) and has an outgoing personality (a must for good tips and leads) (Tabitha)....I am being offered more "contractual" work than I want to do. The three major sponsers of ALL of Anchoragaes Summer Festivities have contacted me for "contracts" they want me at ALL of their events this summer. They will pay by the hour (we are discussing numbers) and at some of the events I will be able to put out my "tip" bucket too.
Seri Native Corp. also has called....seems they too saw me at the "Kids Fair". This event moved my little gig farther than I wanted it to go....I am not sure a "balloon twister" is what I wanted to be when I grew up....but it is fun and very theraputic....
So it snowed last 4am it was about a inch deep now at 6:30 it is almost all gone....but I am hearing on the radio that people are losing controll all over the place...seems rolling ones car is a hobby today on the Glen Hwy.
not much else going creativity is at a low right now...but my motivation to clean is at an all time high....finished most of the house yesterday...if the sky turns blue the yard I go again.....yeeeeheeee I have a yard....

Monday, April 24, 2006

April Showers

Well it is now Monday, again, funny how every seven days we have a Monday...for man to put a calendar together that Monday falls so often and Fridays are so few...well we did it to ourselves! Ya know what they say about "All work and no Play"? Well I better get to work...while I have ran out doors shortly after waking up for a week now...the house is suffering in a BAD way. I guess the rain today is going to end that procrastination cycle. Hey I was working just not on the normal chores. My flower garden is in and ready for plant life in the front yard. Brittany helped turn soil and Noe hauled clean soil from the pile in the back that some idiot placed right in the middle of the yard. Discovered our little paradise has a BAD spot. Anyone know what happens when you "compost" your yard clippings and doggy doo in the same pile for years? What if you put that pile right under the dinning room window? The stench is so bad it makes Eric barf. So since I cleaned up the rest of the yards...the task of removing this horrible mess was deligated to Eric and Donny. I made them do it yesterday...they will have to finish it next weekend, three feet down it was frozen still. I have no idea how long this "pile" has been accumulating but I am guessing at least a couple of years....the yards have not been mowed since early last summer would be my guess...the brand new lawn mower had not been used at all, nor the weed wacker.
So yard waste that sits forever actually eats the dirt and soil!!! we will have to "dig" out alot of stinky mess to clean this up....we have already exposed alot of the day light basement foundation!! I have voted to put in a door in our room to the side yard. we could put in a cement slab and a hot tub!!! Eric is voting to haul some gravel in and "fill the hole mess". He may get his way as the stench is so overpowering I am afraid he is digging up a mass grave site or something.
We cleaned and filled the hot tub holds leaks have been noted...the pump works but at this time is not "pumping" we are thinking there may be ice in the system still so we will wait a few days and try weekend is free day at the yard will be barren of all garbage by Sunday night...this includes any broken hot tubs lying around....I do have the "best hot tub cover" in the family...and all the "chemicals" needed to start it up....both brand new and awaiting a "working hot tub"....should anyone happen to know anyone who has a working tub!!
Well I could sit here all day a ramble but the bathrooms need located and the dinning room floor is missing I should go save the house before the "tornadocaine" awakens.
Quick side note............HOMER HAS A BLOG!!!!! He is learning how to navigate it at the moment....(this may lead to divorce) but stay tuned for "Homers-flatulant-opinions" I do believe he may have posted his first blog last night.... my reality

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Good Morning To All

Sunday morning and it appears that the "family yard day" will have to be put on seems a little wet out there at the moment to do any yard work...rain not snow and it is 6am...guess spring has two weeks summer will be here...I wont look any farther ahead than that...I am already not happy about being up at 5am on a Sunday...That paper dude is lucky he delivers my neighborhood first....
My "gig" yesterday went GREAT. I sure love to do big events like that. It is much easier to please at least one person in the crowd. Had a couple of critics that had to stand in line long enough to make me want to stuff their balloon critter up their little noses...they were all 10 and blond...but since their parents were no where to be found...they made good crowd entertainment one seemed to mind that I could not "put together a simple balloon animal without popping a balloon." I popped so many of this kids balloons while trying to make him a spiderman he finally walked away in a huff...finished spindy and handed him to the next kid in line without popping any more balloons. This was a crowd pleasing show and had I had my tip buckett out probably would have made me some money....since it was a "hourly" job I wore my "tip button" but left the "buckett" hidden.
So once again the paper was in attendance. Once again they took alot of pictures of me...this time they asked for an interview!! I had a very long line so I answered a couple of general questions then handed them my card and told them to call later. KGOT one of our local radio stations sponsered the event...I was such a hit that they noticed me too....funny how a kid would rather have a balloon animal than make a "fly swatter" out of foam and popsicle sticks....I passed along a card to them...they sponser many of the "kids" events around town and may just become my one and only "contract"....that would be cool...I would charge them hourly and make them buy the the mean time I am suppose to recieve a call Monday or Tuesday to set up and interview for their "morning show".
Now the YMCA was not at all disappointed in hirring me...they had ALL the kids "waiting" at their booth...while the parent "waited" in line the other "boths" coaxed the kids over to them for crafts "while they waited"...the Y had to call for more brochures and calendars....the gentleman that was representing the Y was "leery" of me at first. (Wonder if he has met Kimbra?) He quickly relaxed and began to help entertain the crowd...together WE ROCKED!! Even the Museum curator came out of his office to "check us out" (this prompted a balloon to "get away" from me and it happened to bounce off his fore head twice) He wanted my card "for future meseum events".
So Kimbra can keep the "tip" places....I am being offered "contracts" with the "elite" heehehehehehehehehehe....dont think I will take them though...this job really affects my key board skills....typing with stiff fingers sucks!!!!!.............oh ya the Y tipped me with a "free membership" for the summer and a STACK of free "guest passes"..................they have a salt water pool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! reality

Saturday, April 22, 2006


Saturday and no new posts but my own to read. Always knew I spent alot of time as my own best friend. That's okay I realy do not mind as I do not ususally argue with myself, and the conversations go where ever I want them to! So this mornings paper held nothing of interest in it realy...seems even the Queen of England gets older...she turned 80 yesterday. Wonder what will become of the Matriarchy when she passes on? Anchorage has put a ban on trash again this year...seems the bears realy like the stuff...have they not figured it out....the monies it would save on garbage removal and dump maintance If we just put the scraps in one can for the bear, and trash in another. Shit everyone knows a "full" bear will not hurt a human....that dude in Katmai said so. Guess he ran into an "empty" bear.
Twisting at the Kids fair today...funny thought I did this last week...oh ya I was should be fun. The YMCA is still paying me and letting me work for tips.
Visitors guide did come out in todays pictures of me in it but kepp your eyes open for adds for the "Bear Paw Festival" and "Saturday Market". I signed releases for both so they could use me in their commercials and advertisments. hehe publicity. (and I dont even have to throw a tantrum or push myself on the cameras...they like me...hehehe)
Visisted "" everyone should go to this web site and sure to leave a comment about the Wonderful Moose Balloon that my sister and myself made....and while your there notice the "greeting cards" seems no new ideas have come to mind since John and her parted ways...just serious "chop jobs" on his work....okay I will leave this soap box it just pisses me off and I am in a good mood today....
So since none of you are blogging I am going to assume that father is stuck in his out house...helps if you put a door knob on the inside too....Heidi is probably in bed sleeping off all her "scout events" oh wait...I think she has one all the PEEPING BLOG SPIES come forth and let your selves be family is getting borrrrrrring!!!!!!!
Well this conversation is getting lonley so I will move on to getting ready for work...if any of you happen to get free from where ever you are a blog....poor Dutch is not going to like that he is still stuck in Bunny Ears......he may find a "tinker" to "dinker" his way out of those ears.......sister a watched lawn will not thaw...come borrow Erics Propane heater set it up and then you will have about half an hour to get a blog in before your lawn will fry...if this happens though you will not have to worry about mowing all season..........
So to all.............have a GOOD reality

Friday, April 21, 2006


am I seeing things or is there a problem!!!

Stay at home Parents Annual salary!!!

Well hell I am worth more than my husband...(okay so he already knows that) but to all them out there that believe a "House Spouse" is the "easy way" the Anchorage Daily News says differently today. My sister says I should learn how to "insert links". That is too much for my "non-tinkering" brain...I would rather be out mowing the lawn or using the skill saw. So if she would like she may insert the proper link here...(Anchorage Daily News Friday April 21, 2006; "F section/Money headline article)
I will not summerize the article in words but here is the break down of the monies I am saving my household by staying at home and raising my own children.....
Annual Salaries of work preformed...(if outside the home)

Day Care/pre-school teacher.....$26,891
Van Driver.....................................$30,762 (why does this job make more than a teacher?)
General Maintance worker...........$29,656
Parents Base Pay............................$43,461
Overtime pay (60 hours)...............88,010

Stay-at-home parent's annual salary.........$131,471

I have not figured out the math...again to much for my brain right now...I am assuming they took the average of the numbers from above to come up with "Parent Base Pay". If so they forgot a few "jobs".....Psychologist, dental hygenist, play therapist, occupational therapist, lawyer and judge (especially with multiple children), hair dresser, yard maintance worker, entertainer...I am sure I could come up with many more...but no one would be able to afford to pay us except maybe that dude from exon that makes 144 thousand a day!!!! I think he was a CEO (quite overpaid mind you......So in conclusion...they have finally figured out the "net worth" of a "house spouse"....I wonder where the government will take this little bit of can bet it will NOT benifit reality

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I dont think I won!!

Well the strike is over and I did NOT win. Or maybe I did.
Four children under the age of three, four young adults, three of who act under the age of three, and a husband...well I wont go there. Throw in Easter at my house on Sunday and house guests that did not arrive untill 11 pm and needed a ride to the airport at 5am on Monday. Mix in a LOT of yard work, (this kept the children playing outside so I did not have to actually listen to them too.) and NO nap times that over rode each other (this means at least 2 were awake at any given hour). Blend all this with three meals a day...damn they eat alot, and you might as well add a dog and two cats that can not seem to figure out what to do without me either.
So I do believe it was them on strike and me doing my darndest to hold it all together. I MADE IT ALIVE!!! and I aint drunk either!!!

The kids took their babies and returned to Wasilla today. I do believe me not allowing them to take the babies home showed them what it would be like with out the family they both have made. The were not snapping like two year olds at each other anymore. Josh passed his CDL test and is ready to go driving with Eric....look out everyone!!! Me?? I am taking my sore aching back to bed! Putting my mentally drained brain into a medatative state...and I will be up for coffee as usuall......I hope!! my reality

Saturday, April 15, 2006

I am on STRIKE

Well it is Saturday the day before Easter...
I am working today and looking forward to it...
I will be "twisting" at the Museum for Kid's Day.
The YMCA "hirred" me so this is NOT a tips job!
Kimbra would not see if we could do this gig...
she said "They wont pay!"
Well they are "paying" and paying good there!
Okay I am acting like a child...
I have decided IF I can not BEAT them I will join them...
When I am done here I am getting ready to go to work and leaaving...
I am not touching the dishes that were left last night....
nor the garbage and crap all over...
If I come home at 3:30 to a huge mess...
they all lose Easter...and since it is Saturday and Eric does not work tomorrow...
I will do what my mother always and hide in my room...maybe shed a few tears... works!!! my reality

Friday, April 14, 2006


Well my house is still packed with babies...
I lost count of the number of friends Britt has over at the moment...
I feel like duc taping the whiney mouths shut (no I would'nt but the fantasy is nice)...
Melissa is "trying to help" and playing "mommy"...
this makes them scream more...
got the new computer up and running...
there seems to be a "glich" somewhere...
Dont know crap about computers...
my mood sucks...
so I turned it off before I threw it through the window...
I did find out that my land is worth WAY more than the 350 Chugach offered me...
Why is it they try to screw you monthly then again on this type of thing...
Money is the root of all evil...
I was told going rate in my area is 3.50 a foot...those assholes multiplied that by 10...
guess they forgot about the other 46 feet by 10 feet they want...
so I was told to measure the property line, do the math, and double the number...
I guess it is standard for them to pay for the inconvience too. Maybe they spent too much on their poles and now must screw the people who pay their wages!!!
So I will keep looking for the positive things in the day...
It is not working yet,..maybe at bed time!
oh ya the nice man at GCI helped me fix my email account...My gci account is now running...
to bad Out look wont work!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

My home is turning Cyber!!

Well I will no longer have to fight over this computer at nights with my kid...
have not figured out what to do about internet though!!
Some time today or tomorrow my new computer should be arriving!'s all mine since Erics job has now provided him with a personel lap top. One of those fancey ones that omit radio waves that can get you on line without "hooking up" to anything....
sounds like a fancey microwave to me...hope my husband remembers I like my meat well done.

so with all the "waves" floating around...cell phones, wireless computers, phones with computer capabilities...what will happen to our insides...will they slowley evolve to tolerate the increase of energy in our enviroments...or will the mutations and disease rates sky rocket.....or maybe we will be able to get rid of "charcoal" BBQ's...everyone can stand around talking and chatting on their "wireless" devices. The acumulation of energy should cook the meat to perfection for everyone.

In the mean time...time to clean my room again...make room for one more thing...again...but with my locking door in place...I should be able to "chat" all night....I will steal the internet boxy thingy from britts comp at night.............................

oh new computer is basicly like the one we have....missing a few add ons....dumb programs we never use....and adding a couple remote mouse and key board....(more brain frying waves) and one of those little "sticky thingys" the one that looks like a pregnancy test....but you dont pee on plug it into the computer and it works like a portable memory....guess disks to will soon be a thing of the reality

Monday, April 10, 2006

It's Monday April......oh well there all the same anyway

Hello every one....welcome to Monday. I just had to remind you of that. Well I would post on yesterdays happenings but since the majority of my readers were there anyway I would waste out time...surfice to say...Nats 2 Birthday party was yesterday...Josh was represented by his family and his Aunts family....Crystal also had two families show up...her dads and her moms!!! Now this is not good....well okay maybe...her Moms family sat in on the couch the whole time and her dads outside....seems no one has grown up and over the break up of her parents 17 years ago.

She was pretty "stressed" out over it all and seemed to feel "split". 17 years it seems they would "get over it". I did my best to visit with both sides, I am fond of her mothers aunt, and her daughter...they are nice women...although they both seem to be with "bad men"...I have never met either of their husbands...they usually are dropped off at the bar before these little events...

Her father and brother have "issues" but I can talk to them....they are "down to earth" even if they are stuck in a world of "oh dear me's". The rest of her fathers family...boot scoote...n...boogied...right out the drive way as soon as her mothers family showed up!!!

Crystals cousin flew up from Kenai for the party...she came in on Friday...flying back out last night. She was supposed to catch her flight at 8:20...we got out of Wasilla late...raced back to the house...I jumped in Anna's truck and off we went to the was 7:45....Anna took Northern Lights...(sorry anna Tudor is faster that time of night)...we arrived at the airport just in time to watch the plane leave the terminal....mind you the clock at the ticket counter said.....8:19!!!! It left early!!!!

The next flight did not leave till 10. We went home and waited 20 minutes and returned to the airport. Darling little Marissa decided she needed a magazine to pass the "fifteen" minutes on the plane to Kenai...this decided just sevenminutes before take off...after finding a cash machine and chosing her magazine...we heard the annoucement given over the PA just for her...the plane had boarded and she was not on we ran...they held the flight for her...I just smiled and said..."she's not mine...and she is blond." this being said to two blonds and a brunet...I said have a great night and left....

Now on the way in we passed a "suit case" just inside the entrance of the "rental car places" this had been reported and security "is on the way" we saw them they were eating Donuts!!! No I am not kidding...round butts and donuts....LOL we had to I should have thought about this little problem when I exited...the exit was closed off....bomb squad had been alerted and the suitcase was still sitting there....damn what a night.....

As I was trying to "figure out" where another exit was that would not land me on the tarmac...a woman came running up...thats my son's was full of diapers and elmo.....

so as she emptied it right there on the floor for them to see....elmo began to laugh........

now that was worth the hassel.... my reality

Sunday, April 09, 2006

What a Beautiful Day

Good Morning to you all...sure would have been nice to read some posts this morning...guess Dad is busy treating his "burnt" hands...Heidi must have taken Saturday "off"....John is stuck on Ugly fish....Tabitha? she just seems to have disappeared...Anna was here untill the wee hours of the morning playing video games not I will give you all something to read...

Yesterday they forcasted "snow" last eve it began to rain. Watched the temp very closely before I went to bed and it did not drop below 40 before midnight...or even at 1...awoke this the sounds of spring..birds rain but it is warm and most of my front lawn is now showing...but even more than that...we are not alone in this world....

Moving into this home in November...we unloaded and have been "stuck" inside ever since. We are not the only ones in this prediciment...seems all these homes around me also have people "stuck" inside of them...but now...those people are coming out....

It all began yesterday with TWO borred these are not just any "boys" they are bigger than me and think their all that and a cup of tea...these two boys were more than borred they were annoying...I was trying to shampoo the cat barf and dog piss off the carpets...(yes even the pets can not behave) when Josh and Donny came crashing into my room..."Britt will not come home and go sledding with us!"
(sledding? where? and why the hell are grown boys whinning about their sister not coming home?)
..."mom will you watch the kids...where the keys and do you have anymore of these balloons?" (this from Josh as he is juggling water balloons over my freshly clean floor.) "We know where Britt is. We want to go and make her come home....after we trash her with these!!!" (the balloons go higher, and Donny is digging for more.)
I toss josh the keys, tell Donny "if your going to dish it you better learn to take it too...yes I will watch the kids. (all but Riley were asleep). Now get out, and stay out of trouble!!"

"It's not too warm mom, would you mind getting her some clean cloths to change into after we drench her, so she is not too mad?" (this comment coming from JOSH! Guess parenthood does something to the psychy...this is not my kid talking.)

After retrieving Britts Clothes they were I am sure this was NOT the best decission for society...turning my oldest three lose on their own...but dammit 20 years it took for Josh and Donny to "team up" together....usually it was Josh and Britt against Donny...(who by the way is extremely leery of his two sibblings still.) I waited and hoped...Donny has been in a foul mood, he is lonely for a peer groupe and struggling with some growth and developement issues (he is reminding me of his father...I did not beat it out of Jeff, but I will beat it out of Donny...hope you read this kid!)

about 40 minutes later Donny showed up in the bed room and Britt called at the same time from the drive way..."we are going to Taco Bell for you bye."

What about the ham and artichokes Josh brought? I just had Eric stop for more artichokes...I call eric and told him to "hurry are all asleep or gone...let's eat with out them all." (Cant get him behind my new closing and locking door..."the kids will know what we are doing." well DUH!!!!!) He grabbed the diapers and milk...and was home in record time...just as the kids showed back up!

Now here is the kicker...I sent two out expecting four back...Noe is here more than not...10 came back!!! Now I know it is spring...the critters are coming out of the wood work...along with the Blazer full of kids was a FOOT BALL Josh and Donny needed something to do...we do not have enough room for base ball so they bought a foot ball....the game began in the street...soon the nerighbors were either out watching it or in their windows rooting for their choice team...

Soon Britt came running in to coax Eric out....(neither Jeff nor Keith would have gone...) Eric looked at me like a lost I gave him permission to leave his dinner and go out and play too....BUT...I put Nats and Lou's coats' on them...helmets on their heads...and sent them and their bikes out too...

Seems one of Britts friends was a very good ball player...they teamed up "over 16-vs-under 16" it made it three against 7....Josh, Donny and Marissa (Crystals cousin), against Britts squad of hooded-lums....Josh and Donny were losing thanks to Bryant....the good player...Eric ran to the took me a good three minutes to figure out which one was my husband...seems funny to say a bunch of kids made Eric look small!!!

Not sure who won nor do I care...brought tears to my eyes though to see my neighbors and my family...playing in the street....(Sandy was "sleeping" on the "goal line" so she also made a good traffic deversion.)

Hey quit laughing...she got the ball once...ran it three feet to the goal line...she deserved a nap she is old...(she used to run off with the ball playing keep she is to fat and old)

Now I know spring is here and I am not in a nerighborhood full of "stuck up yuppies"...(dont tell them I said that) We are planning a neirborhood BBQ for the end of April...I guess it is "tradition" to have one in the cul-de-sac next to my house.....Reminds me of another time...another life...after a VERY LONG WALK...when a neighborhood was a neighborhood and friends were just a door reality.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Our Chopper....

Well here it is...the "chopper". I was hirred to make a repllica...These pictures do not do this bike justice...
Christine Vaughn is an anchorage gal...she got this idea to build herself and her husband bikes....shortly after completeing the two...her Best Friend was diagnosed with Breast Cancer...Christine decided to contact the "Bike builders" and see if anyone would be willing to help fund the making of a chopper. One that could be "auctioned" for money for Breast cancer research...she told me that many of the "bike shope" "snubbed" her because she was a female....none had even asked to see what kind of work she does...untill Orange County Choppers.

For those who have never heard of O.C. is a 'bike building" show on cable...they have made some pretty neat bikes...Eric and I watch it quite frequently...Well now we will have to watch it come May 14.

May 14 is the day Christine will make her debut to the bike building world...The guy from O.C. Choppers liked her work so well that he gave her the usage of his garage and "crew" as well as helped "fund" the making of the "Breast Cancer" bike. The two of them also made a matching pink chopper for the Best Friend that started this endevor.

Christine's first TV debut was last night at the local Moose Lodge. As the original bike had been given away already...they had been looking for someone to "produce" a "cheap" replica for the Alaska debut. Through the internet Christine and the Producers looked for "twisters and sculpturs." they wanted color, so the 4000 dollar "ice replica" was out. (we really need to look into ice carving in the winters here seems there is some profit in it with the out side "yuppies")
They were turned down by several "artist"too, "...the balloons would not make it to AK", or "we do not do replicas." was the reponse they recieved. I should have thought to ask for any price quotes they had recieved from others...

Christine's mom lives in Anchorage still, she saw "Marty the Moose" on TV
(I have been trying to down load him here only puts him at the top so too bad you cant see him.) Any way she "immidiatly " called "Wild About Balloons". Now Pam and Louis are people we met through Kimbra...they are long time business holders here in Anchorage and members of many "organized business groups", they no longer deal with Kimbra, but referred Barbra to us. So our moose finally brought us some business...seems many people ask about "the moose" and Pam and Louis love to tell them it was the "Twistin' Sisters"

I agreed to do the bike on short notice because Josh and I have twisted several for ourselves in the past. Now these bikes do not travel very fast unless Hurricane force winds get hold of them...but...they are alot of fun to "detail" out.

So Josh began designing the "rims" these rims have spokes that are the shape of the breast cancer ribbon...Josh worked hard and perfected the rims with in an if Nat had not popped the tire...we probably would have been done in 3 hours instead of 5. The engine was also Joshs design...I am trying to get him "involved" he is very artistic when he gets out of his "man" mode.

When this bike made it's debut at the Moose lodge....
pulling into the parking lot I thought I was was packed at the lodge...removing the bike from the back of the
Blazer by myself was tough but drew alot of attention from passing motorists...they missed the green light also drew alot of attention from the people walking into the lodge. Upon entering, the "Bull" at the door was rather rude when he asked for my "ticket"...I informed him that the bike did not go fast enough for one nor was it "parked" illegally as I was carrying it." He did not even crack a smile...but the "bull" did move aside and point me in the direction of a dinning room with a pink ribbon marking the door. This lodge has several "halls" that can be rented, so three events can go on at once here...and they were...
walking into the dinning room a woman looked up from a table she was working on...she began to cry.
This scarred me...I thought she was disappointed in the bike and I wanted to run for cover. Turns out it was Christine. She has not "seen" this bike in several months. And thought is was "exactly perfect"...she hugged me and cried...weird response, but okay...I hugged back. Her mother entered from a dinning room and saw the bike and began to cry time I will take a box of short sleeve shirt can not take this moisture issue.

Well the next person to come from the dinning room was followed by a cammerra crew. At this point I had unhooked myself from the tears and was in the process of "displaying" the bike. They had asked that I set it up on a "bar like" counter top in the middle of the room.

Thanks to duct tape and pink ribbon the bike soon took on a "shrine" type look as it stood in the center of the room surrounded by pink Christmas lights. (where did they get pink ones?)
I turned around and found that I was on cammerra. Knew I should have at least brushed my hair. (once again my mother was right.) I was handed a Pink and black hat...that has the "Wicked Women Choppers" logo on it and made an honorary member of Wicked Women Choppers. Pretty cool since the only chopper I have ever ridden would be the wood splitter that Shane and I used to have to chop wood with.

After giving the producers of Orange County Choppers my business card and signing a release I gave credit where it was deserved. I wanted them to know that thanks to my sister I was able to complete the project on time...she is also the one responsible for finding a way for a bike made of balloons to stand on it's own. Thanks to Josh the "breast cancer" ribbons were integrated into the spokes and the "running gear" was somewhat realistic. I also made sure "Twistin' Sisters" was aknowledged for the donation of the balloons. (we have alot of back stock that needs used up, anyone want to learn to twist?)

So once again I have made it into the "famous" Kimbra would be proud. LOL. Not sure if it will ever "go big" but truthfully I do NOT think my hands or brain could keep up if it did. In the mean time I bask in the knowledge that once again I made something that people thought was AWSOME.

MY GOAL----To have one of our sculptures on the front page of the ADN (if a 16 foot snow man can make it, why cant we??) any suggestions of what we should build?

Friday, April 07, 2006


Judas Iscariot DID NOT betray Jesus...that is what it said in today's paper...It says that Jesus had Judas turn him in. This information was found in the desert somewhere...It is a written recording of the last conversation Jesus had with Judas before his death. Guess we can no longer use the phrase "you judas" when we are referring to a cheater and a liar. Any way after reading the Divinci Code I am wondering if this document was not "planted" as ALL the scriptures from that time period were supposedly destroyed by the Roman Catholic Church. Not that it matters but this information is "old news" I watched the movie....Passions of the Christ....and even if you do not read the can tell Jesus and Judas were arguing and Judas did NOT want to turn Jesus in....Yes it was a movie but one that all religious sect heads were invited to preview and ALL of them agreed that the movie portrayed the happenings as they are written....Anyway off that soap box just thought I would give Heidi one more thing to stress over....wanna "re-read" the book sister I have the one with pictures...Is it time for the truth to be revealed about Mary too???

okay so the title of this blog was BAKING your all confused now huh??? Well a dear person in my life has great big ugly "bubbles" growing on her feet. This makes it very uncomfortable to walk and there is not room for two wheel-chairs in her home....she came to me for advice as she was soaking her feet in warm water and advice to her....

Corn Starch...long story behind it and many will argue with it...but if you know the life cycle of a staphylococcus aurius, or the staphylococcus will know corn starch. Both bacteria like it and both has a 72 hour mitosis if you use corn starch on foot problems and WASH your feet every day...being sure to dry them good...we recommend a blow dryer the heat "dries out" the little buggies to which kills them....the problem should go away...they will migrate to the corn starch...with no legs this is a slow process for them is like having the choice of a liver and onions...nutrious but not so delicious...or a tee bone....not as healthy but much better on the taste buds....if you do not wash the corn starch away though you are providing a very prime breeding ground for them to wash them down the drain....

Now for the baking soda.....I was introduced to baking soda a very long time ago...infact it is the one thing in my cup board that manufactures have left alone in the packaging still looks like it did 33 years ago when I discovered it in my grandmothers cup board....the pretty orange box got my attention...she showed me that day many uses for this little gem...

1. Tough stains on your dishes...afraid of a Brillo pad or want to replace you go.
2. Obviously the baking potentials are unlimited.
3. It makes a great mess when mixed with food coloring and vinegar.
4. Eats odors (this one I am still not sure whether I believe....)
5. putting out fires, it's non-flammable
6. Home Remedies to many common health problems...

every one has heard that a teaspoon of baking soda mixed with water is a good cure for heart burn....baking soda is a base chemical with a pH almost the exact opposite of pure acid....this makes baking soda one of the largest "neutralize" there is used in the science fields any time pH is an issue...which is almost always....

the Human body, with exception of a few self contained systems, is almost an "absolute neutral"...almost anything that invades are body is acidic or base...this is how it over comes our extremely tight defense systems.....
take a bee sting for instance...when the bee leaves it's stinger leaves a little "balloon" of acidic fluid...this is what causes the sting to hurt so bad.....picking the stinger out opens up the wound...removes the acidic bulb....putting baking soda on it neutralizes the acid left behind....thus getting rid of the pain...this works on other bug bites too if you poke a hole in the skin which is made too close when its punctured....

bringing us to the skin....the first and most important "defense" mechanisms our bodies have...Skin is designed to be water restistant...the cells are arranged in an irregular pattern that prevents invaders from "getting" in. Skin is made up of cells unique to skin but it also is a "dump" site for other cells in the body that have lived their life "packing" it all together with the dead on the outside, then the old, then the young, then the new....thus layers by the time "invaders" make it in the body has had the chance to send it's "defense" out. skin is important to keep intact...once broken...the body has to send for it's "second line" and this can take a few hours or days for them to show up and locate....

most common problem....burns...whether from the sun or another source of heat...burns break the barrier.....a sun burn? well this is really gross so read it carefully sister....when the sun heats our "boils" our cells...these little fellows require a very stable temp in order to reproduce...which our body provides as needed (we are walking air conditioners and heaters for the little cells.) the sun literally "cooks" them in their own juices. Just like meat...they turn color when they are cooked....thus tan to red depending on whether they are well done or medium next time your in that tanning bed or laying in your yard....know you are "cooking" your army....maybe they need hazard pay. Now melanin will come into question is the by-product of these little guys...kind of like the color of their blood......

So when you find yourself in a situation that has compromised these little dudes what should you do.....Neutralize....heat something up and it get acidic...(this is a chemistry issue having to do with the release of hydogen ions from the molecule.) So now you have not just "fried" them but the byproducts they put off upon "rupturing" are acidic....these acids KILL the cells you have not yet "fried". The deeper the burn the less the pain, they say, as nerves are burned at the "young growth" level of skin....So by adding baking soda to a COOL bath...or making it into a paste with water and applying it to the will neutralize...the area...this will NOT stop the death rate of the damaged cells....but it will prevent the acids from damaging more cells and alleviate the pain.....

CAUTION---DO NOT put baking soda or any other "cleaning agent" except cool water.....on broken bleeding skin........not only are some toxic to the blood system but all of them will kill the cells that are being made to "temporarily fix" the problem....these cells already have a very short life span and killing them WILL almost guarantee an takes the body about 72 hours to get rid of the "ickies", gather the "repair" troops, and begin the process....

If you want to aid your troops in this little not donate to the red protein...the "construction" workers take the "amino acids" from protein and use it to make the "mesh netting" that new skin cells need to adhere too...if it is a muscle wound....egg whites are the choice "amino acid".....

Burns....ALWAYS remove all matter how lose fitting...holds heat in...this allows the burn to continue it's battle and over come your troops.......ALWAYS immediately bath the burn in cold water...this process needs to continue for at least ten minutes...our troops are tough but the barrier has a lot of "hidey holes" that need cooled.....for non-blistering burns...go for the baking soda..DO NOT use ointments or band aids these hold in the heat....Blistering burns are a major danger....any burn in one area of the body...larger than a 3 inches...needs medical attention....the alarm bells that go off in our bodies when the front lines have been penetrated, can cause the "others" to panics....Panics makes us go into shock...when the brain and the blood system both "panic" well your in big doo-doo.....

for smaller burns such as those acquired while using a welder or blow torch....these too need immediate cooling...they will continue to burn deeper even after you have "forgotten" about it...the brain went into "panic" mode and made you "forget" ....the skin is not in that same mode though and it is screaming for back up....After cooling for 10 minutes seek medical attention if the wound is black and singed looking...if not, only cover it up IF you absolutely have to, too keep it clean and protected...DO NOT rupture the blister....this will happen in its own time...that "clear fluid" is there to protect the underlying tissue from further damage.....

So this is way more drawn out than it should have been but I have so much fun using metaphor's and similes when I write about the human makes it much easier to understand I hope.....Unfortunately once you do it is hard to not feel you live in the twilight zone....You are nothing more than a "colony" similar to the planet system...We are all in each others solar system....and we are all made of many "different" colonies that have learned to survive by using each other....not one can function properly with out the other.....the government lies in your brain....a big ball of fat that thinks too much....the "municipal jobs" such as police men, emergency crews, road crews, and garbage dudes, mailmen, and even the exterminator...all "commute" through the "blood system" to their various jobs......if it were not for the "electric company" we would have no power...pain is the High price we pay for this service....

so is not complicated it is communal........... My reality

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Hello my friends and family...

Just a quick note as buddy screams at my feet...a good writer...needs critics and editors...I post my writings so my "critical" family can find an outlet (please be nice my feelings are hurt easy) I am hoping that you guys can help me perfect my writings and maybe some day my dream will come true.......

April Showers Bring....

well it snowed again last night...not much and it is very wet...but it snowed. (dont know why I am accused of long sentances.......I use periods....).
I would be climbing back into bed right now out of pure need for color in the enviroment...but...
I noticed last night at 10 pm that it was NOT dark yet...yes it was dusky...but not dark...
I also noitced at 5 am that it was DUSKY not dark...Okay so it is a bit slow to light up but that too will arrive soon.

So yesterday my back yard hit 50...funny how 50 feels real warm right sure wont come Memorial Weekend in the rain...oh by the heater works...I will be offering seats...
out of the rain seats...with heat...and hot coffee or cold soda...choice seating for the mud wrestling tournament...must be 18 or older to apply....a small fee may be requested for processing...

On another buffalo pack has grown tremendously this last I did not give birth again...hehe...Crystal did...but with Donny here and my adopted daughter Noe...well my herd is getting out of control...I strongly feel that this is a disadvantage to the other clans in all clan activities (they may fall asleep waiting for us to finish our rounds)...I am requesting of the Grand remove a few of these big butted bison...they get in my way...I would like to nominated that Josh and Crystal be clanned...Much thought has went into this by Mr Homer Buffalo and myself...
I nominate that they be clanned the Cyottee clan....(we first thought rabbitt but it was pointed out to me that I too seem to reproduce rather eloquently)...with his red hair and their "sneaky" attitudes...even their children are cunning...well it is all the clans have been clanned according to their fishing abilities...Cyottee's sneak slyley up the river bank...ignoring the smart and preying on the dumb. I have never seen a cyottee catch a fish...but i have seen my son return empty handed. Plus I know for a fact that he "borrows" bait.
Now the cyottee is closely related to the this would bring the "relationship" of Aunty Uncle and Nephew into play....the smaller "pups" in that family are naturally curiouse critters and love to "sneak away"....
So if possible with Friday nights "Opening Ceromonies" could be add another "clan" to our mists??? do we have cyottees in Alaska...maybe a fox would work better...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Full House

Well now I know it is spring...just went out to wake Donny half hour early...Eric is picking him up...wee trip to Eagle River for me..went out to the trailor in my slippers and cold shivers...and the ground was mushy....that means IT DID NOT FREEZE....this means in a week or so the flowers will start popping their little heads up and the grass will be green...speaking of grass...I got that too now...all that snow melted "holes" in my lawn...hopefully today those "holes" will grow to "Patches"....from there it is lawn mowing...lots of time out doors...before the next winter sets in again....

but in the mean time...the kids stayed in town again last night and my beautiul clean house is no more...Natty and Buddy are like Taz and Bugs...they chase each other around making lots of noise and hurrling anything in their way across the room. Fed and watered the pets...ran to the potty...came back to "pet food soup"...which they were attempting to feed Sandy and Rug Rat with a spoon....that is untill Riley showed up...yes she is on the move...(time for them to go home)...straight to the mess...through it on her belly and yes you guessed it...fed it by the bigger babies...where was Josh durring this little adventure...sitting right there...playing X-Box totally oblivious to the fact that his youngest daughter had just got off the couch...crawled under his legs...and across the floor...unaware that the children were two feet away spilling "soup" all over the floor.....addressing this little issue he paused the game...scooped Riley out of the mess with one arm...Nat AND Buddy with the other...kicked the toys out of the way...and called the dog...this proceeded in a slippery floor and four legs with bad hips hitting the linolium sideways and sending the mess ALL over the kitchen and the dog too.....the babies?...he stuffed them all in a wooden crate that is in my living room at the moment...righted the dog...who immediatly began eating up the soggy pet food...with in two minutes the dog had cleaned the mess...Josh had stripped all the children of their "dinner clothes"...and my house was once again filled with chasing toddlers...although now they were naked chasing toddlers....I know Sandy will clean up any "Poopy" messes...but she does not do the chase began two diapers and three sets of clothes...this took me an reality.......

Monday, April 03, 2006

Someday over the rainbow.....

all I can say is wow....what the hell is our 'adult" community they not remember being a child...will they continue to scream about rising crime and poor control...but then turn and vote out any monies that will aid our childrens's "political views" of today...seee the rest of the story on my other link.....(I may go into politics...over this one.)

Father please tell mom that Lou had a wonderful fact she cried most of the way home because she did not want to leave...when she got home she began packing!!! Now I will warn you...unlike my sister who has this need to "not burden" her childrens grandparents....I am not so dumb.....After raising the three older ones without the benifitts of grandparents...I know that what ever I miss while they are away...I will see plenty of when they get back...I also know that if Grandparents spoil the kids enough...they dont want to come home...keep up the spoiling...Not saying I would let you have her...she is the smartest of my bunch....but joint custody works would work even better if I actually "LIKED" the person or people I am sharring custody with....and I "LOVE" you and what better peoople to share custody with...if you think hard enough you will figure out that when the children are at another "trusted adults home" the "left behind" parent can either sulk about "loss of control and potential 'what if's'" or they can kick off the shoes, grab the remote, and not move.....I am training them father...I know mom only likes them till their around five....(I have to agree with her here)...that buys me about three years of breaks here...then I will pass them off on the sibblings who should all have homes of their own by then.....hehehehe Thank You Dad and Mom...what ever a "real tea" party is...she went to bed in her own bed without a bottle...holding her "tea cup"....

Now Josh and Crystal lack a if anyone has an old one that I can have fixed up for them I would be interested in talking...being out in the Valley they miss being part of the family...they both love reading my Blog when they come to town...which is quite frequently since Donny came home...Well while Lou was off "visiting" ...Buddy went to Nat's for a slumber party...he too did not miss me...when he saw me he "remembered" that he had a mom and the whine began untill I got him home...but while he was there...he played with Josh and Nat....Buddy and Nat will grow up best friends I am gonna predict...Nat will ask for two of everything so she can share with "buhdy"...(she says his name with emphasis on the 'uh') it is so cute to watch her...when she wakes up she checks on her sister than asks for "Buhdy"...I am looking forward to watching them play this summer...BEWARE...Natty is her father reincarnate...with her mothers attitude...she is sneaky and quite....she pretends inocence but when you turn your back....(this she got from her father)...when caught in the act...she puts on the tears of inocence...and truely makes you believe she did not know any better (this is her mother)...but watch those eyes...Josh's eyes never could lie worth a shit....dont listen to the tears(Crystal has always been good at them)....hehe this child will be the one Grandma gets her revenge with....Stay tune for the up and coming Riley....she should be walking by Memorial Weekend too....she is skipping crawling...even though she can...she will only crawl to a piece of furniture...then pull herself to her feet...she has the right motions down...just needs the muscles to go and she will be off....hehehehehehehe he is sooooo screwed.....hehehehe.(she is not even 9 months old yet!) They have decided they do not need to have any more...the boy they want? Well they realized that Warren is the right age to "adopt" no infant diapers or late labor or if my youngest son ever "disapears" I will know Naty has taken him hostage and her parents wont care........

So in much anticipation I await Memorial Weekend....the four babies will add so much to our weekend now that they are not "time consuming" and in need of mommy all the time...shit maybe I will even get to go participate in the "annual walk" this year.....with my husband would be real nice.....I see Nat and Warren "climbing to Grandmas house"...if I dont quit smoking I may need to "hire" someone to chase them down for me....At first Lou will be torn between "the big kids", "daddy" and "Grandma"....I am hoping she relaxes and fits in...she does tend to be timid though and may end up "stuck to daddy" but at least she is a daddys now I am leaving to put into print the thought in my head about "stupid people" (that should be my new blog title.) reality.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Help were surrounded by looney toons

peppy le'pu and tinker bell seem to have taken over out blogs...thinking maybe one of them could write something usefull that we could read...
but NOOO they spend more time "dinkering" with each others blogs...If they would both just change their pass words maybe they could get on with life....
so with spring in the air and clocks being's snowing.....about three inches already and it is not 6 am yet...beings it is not a school day the clock thing wont screw us up too not at all because when I am done here....I am going back to bed...nothing to stimulate the mind here this am....just a new cartoon in the making....

Saturday, April 01, 2006



Dad quit picking on "little Heidi" you know how sensitive she is....besides she will begin to feel you love me more and then she will take it out on me....

Heidi he is only picking at you to hear you whine...punch him in the nose and be done with it!!!

hhhmmmm....maybe that is why my kids beat each other up instead of whine!! oh well blood washes out.

Now if you two dont behave I will "restrict" you both to "out house duty" on Memorial Weekend.
Am I understood???

You Take the Good...You Take the Bad...

WOW...What a a day yesterdady...after three days of sick babies my house is filled with slimey windows, couches and floors...Took one look and walked out the door to take Donny to work...On the ride home I had this overwhelming need to call my in-laws...I called my husband instead...His father had a stroke Thursday night. The stroke is not the main problem was a small clot in his brain....the BIG Problem lies with a 2.5cm blood clot in his lung...Wanda says all is well but she tends to "protect" her boys from ease our minds Eric is going to Homer for the weekend...the good news??? My mom and dad have changed their trip to Monday...this puts two sets of Grandparents in Lou is going too....she will spend the day with my family and the evening and night with him and his mom...Now Erics family all have "baby phobia"...Wanda did not want the kids coming with Eric...unless I was there this is a lesson for the mom in law also....I understand her need to have her son to herself...I also have that need...but her son now has baggage....she needs to realize this and learn to live with it...I will not be left alone with the kids all the time when she needs him to come problem with him running to help...just so he takes at least one of the kids too...Maybe Jack and Wanda will realize that children keep us young...they make us smile....hopefully my little angel will bring her a new focus and help her through this horrible event.

So the good news...after the "phone call" Eric was called into Davis for a "meeting". It was FINALLY his review...only 8 months late...Seems the BIG HONCHOS have finally realized that ALL the hours in the mechanic diviaion are being done by Eric. he had 1459 hours of over time last year compared to the average 400 the rest of the employees did. They told him he was "the most honest and reliable employee we have ever had." For all his hard effort they gave him a raise of 2 dollars and now he is only making 8 dollars LESS than the average mechanic in Anchorage. So the company Christmas party and the bonus will have to surfice for appreciation....but the raise will help...Crystal also landed herself a better job yesterday...she will be working in Anchorage now...Josh is now looking in town too...she will be waitressing at a fancey downtown resteraunt while she learns the ropes....and she is being trained to manage the wait staff....the tips at this resteraunt are HUGE. I have twisted there for a Birthday Party...not a table left that did not leave at least a 20 for the waitress.....So hopefully she will like it and find that being the boss is much better than flipping pizzas for some cracked out bimbo in Wasilla. Speaking of pizza...all you Wasilla people who like it better avoid ording from Pioneer Pizza....I hear the delivery drivers take at least an hour to get you your pizza...(they are not happy with the issues revolving around Crystals dismissal.) and that an hour AFTER your pizza has left the building.
So we had bad new and we had good news prayers are with my father in-law...he is a great guy...Eric is doing well with all this...his father has been in very poor heath for most of Erics life...This is not the first time he has had to deal with this...his mom is a basket case and could use all the prayers she can get...she will be so lost when he dies...40 years together this year...and they are rarely apart...even work in the same office.
So I am going to go now and get Melissa ready to join her daddy on a weekend outing...Warren went with Natty to "sleep over" for her Birthday....Happy Birthday Little Grandaughter....I will pick him up on sunday at the party...So I am going to shut off the phone...lock the door...and go back to bed!!! Loves to reality