Friday, March 26, 2010

Dont Mess With the Buffalo...hehe...worth the watch!

Its Amazing what animals will do when water is short.....this video is a great video of nature and the circle of life....

surprise ending and all!

Comments on "Dont Mess With the Buffalo...hehe...worth the watch!"


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (7:52 PM) : 

A super video and well worth the download time. The great thing it was caught my non professional photographers and commentary much the same as we would say if we were to see it. After my next long photo trip, thoughts of a trip to Africa is in my thoughts ~ a seed that was planted by your mother. I would love to see the mass migration of some of the herd animals.


Blogger john r mclay said ... (4:36 PM) : 

that IS a great video. Those who would have bet on the outcome of that confusing situation would have most likely lost their shorts.
Looks like more than one family could have used that meal, too.


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