It's Raining dogs...
Okay not anymore it is not...but last night I was awoke to water cascading down my sounded at first like a sleep stirred outside my grasp...and between the large spatters of rain I heard it...mmmeeeeooowww....I have got to have the only cat alive that can yell!! At 3 am he could have woke the dead...with the sound of the water...I waited for a rain drop to drown him...not so lucky...finally stirred from bed and let the sopping wet creature in my house... Returning to my bed...once again I found a half naked child...he had made it out of his shorts in the hallway and must have forgotten the bathroom is right across the from his I gently guided the half sleeping child to the potty...back into his drawers...and while leaving the bath room..his sister slipped from her room and into mine!! Tucked the little dude in (wanting to scream like the cat) I returned to my room to remove the angelic looking little girl child from my bed...and returned her to her own...3:30...they both show up!!! Okay at least they are dressed...and I know he went I surrender and climb out of bed to the floor. Taking my pillow and blanket with me!! head gets stomped on as Warren wakes and realizes "mama" is not there...finding me on the floor, he pulls my pillow and blanket over to him...and passes out!!! Nobody slept well last night...and all were showing it today...Nat and Melissa found something to fight about the most fulfilling part of their day...and Warren...well he just kept giving them something to fight about. Riley, she found the crayon box and remodeled the hall way....would post photos but I do not have a camera. Great art work...she may be famous someday. So that was Monday. |