Sunday, July 29, 2007


Man...all my life I have had to learn to food...the only thing I do not seem to share is the chores!!!
Now a whole new world of sharing has come up...MY GRANDCHILDREN!!!
I have always encouraged Crystal to invite her family when we have gatherings...up till now...only her father has ever come...Riley's Birthday...Crystals mom and her new husband came...hearing her called Grandma...well I dealt with it...but Eric was not here and hearing the kids call her third husband in their short life span...Grandpa....well lets just say....I hated it!!!
but dealt with it...glad Birthdays only come once a year...
So now where is the other that the party is fussy...and a huge mess to clean up...oh I sound petty...but need to I feel better.
Thanks to the Wolves and the Charmin for showing moral support during this party...and sticking around after words to kick our butts at "Life".

Comments on "Sharring!!"


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (10:53 PM) : 

Sometimes, you just have to bite your lip and let things pass over, the important thing is that you are building memories that those little ones will recall later in their life. Be patient.


Blogger Shana said ... (10:57 PM) : 

oh today...I woulda sharred them gladly!!


Blogger Heidi said ... (11:16 PM) : 

I was feeling the same! Who are these people...geesh?


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