Thursday, July 27, 2006

Earth Movement!

5am on the nose...what felt like a semi-truck hit the walls were quaking the earth was even woke up all the teen agers...must have been one hell of a this normally does not happen untill at least 10 if they are not working. Not sure what the official reading will be on this one but I bet it is up there in numbers...hope that was not a build up to another one...maybe it is the reasons my family has been out of sorts lately...animals know why not humans? So what a way to get woke up...

earth shakes at dawn...fur rondy is closing it doors accoring to todays paper. No more "fur" involved here. Begich has still got a committee working on a "winter festival" but rondy as it has been know for years is a thing of the past.

thats all for the morning news......

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Deal or No Deal Application

After having fun filling out the 11 pages of the application process we came to the fine print...all applicants, and supporters, need to fill out the application. It was fun doing it together and I am sure father will have a ball as they ask many questions about millitary experience....If mom or dad could possibly print one out and take it into Wanda we would appreciate it...she has time when she gets here Friday night but a couple days would be better. John, Dad and Wanda as the crew need to fill one out...the questions are great....

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Been feeling a bit blue lately...not much in the mood to say anything nice...and I was taught IF YOU CAN NOT SAY ANYTHING NICE SAY NOTHING AT ALL!! So instead of Bitching...I lose myself in my world of balloons. There is something I have always found peacefull in a helium balloon...many in one spot are WONDERFUL! Maybe I am autistic who knows but I find peace with my flowers....just lots and lots of balloons. Ernie used to have a bed time story that Bert would involved balloons all over Sesame Street. As a young child I watched and waited for that clip...saw it again the other day with the babies...Still as soothing as it was at 5. As you can tell once again insomnia has set in...I get frustrated if I stay in bed and try to I am up and waiting for the sun to join me.
Went by Dinos again yesterday...and father with a minumum 100 dollar order they will bake you fresh donuts and ship them to you via the "Seward Stage Line" funny I always thought it was the "Homer Van line". They ship their product all over the state...good way to keep in business when Carrs and Fred Meyers are in town. It seems 100 dollars worth of donuts would probably kill you and if your like me you would continue to consume them untill they were for 9 bucks we can get you a dozen and for 15 we can send them down on the "Homer Stage line" never know maybe dino will come visit you. In the mean time I bought another family has a habbit of "eating my stash" So this time around I tried a bite of every donut...this assures that I eat the ones I like best....was hoping it would hold the wolves at bay too...did not work. but at least I got the Devils food, belvarian cream, and the PBJ.....mmmmm and still got to try the rest.....LOL.
Well it is four and the paper should be ready to read....good day to all...hope the sun comes back.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Just Wanted to say Hello

okay so even though I am feeling a bit on the pissy side...I do have a good story that should have cheered me up...but thanks to hormones...nothing will untill a couple days go by!!!
Last night Britt and I were out driving...we were discussing the test she took today (but did not pass) and I was showing her some things...should have discussed turn signals and distance before turning...she said 50 feet it is 100 feet but most people wait untill they make the turn as we discovered today.
So back to our road trip...we decided we wanted a soft drink and some munchies...all I had on me was a hundred dollar bill. I went to three gas stations and was denied...seemed no one but the bum outside of Cheveron wanted my hundy!
Driving down Tudor I was perplexed at where I could go at 11 pm that would cash my bill so I could get a soda...had just filled the tank so gas was out of the question. Passing the local casino/bingo hall I did a fast righty into the parking lot...
"You ARE NOT going to play Bingo while I wait for three hours in this car!" Britt stated with a tone that was in no way kidding.
"Nope I am not...I am going to play pull tabs and cash this damn hundy!!!" I replied (good excuse right?)
I made my way straight to the counter planned on buying twenty and leaving....I spotted a pot called "Piece of ass" there were only a few tabs left in this pot so why not...I placed my hundy on the pot and asked for twenty
"I will not use the title in public" I told the guy behind the counter....
"I will not give you the tabs untill you do." He came back with a silly grin...
"Okay fine then," I replied, "give me twenty pieces of ass please!"
This resulted in a lot of laughter at my expense but oh well not the first time.
I pulled the first tab dollar....I pulled the second dollar...the third too was a one dollar winner...the fourth however held 50 dollars...the rest were losers but thats okay
cuz no one else wanted my hundy...the bingo hall paid me 33 dollars for it.....who says gambling is wrong!!

Thursday, July 20, 2006


I could sit here and rant and rave about the 9 phone calls I recieved while at work...calls for me to come home and take someone to work because someone else would not loan out his car...calls that someone was listening in on someones phone call...calls that...what does it matter...18-21 year olds acting like babies...So to ease the tension building in my head....I went for donuts...Dinos there my friends is a donut...I should know I ate 13 of them...yes they even sell a "bakers dozen" for around 8 bucks. Devils food cake donuts, raspberry filled raised donuts, belvarian creams, maple and chocolate bars, old fashion cakes of many flavors, and best of all a bone shaped raised donut with no chocolate for fido.....mmmmm....I ate four of those. Now mother do not have a fit about the calories....I will play "horsey" for an extra 20 minutes tonight and burn a few of them off...donuts and orange juice...the right way to start a day....if things do not change around here soon I may finish the day with another dozen!!!!!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Deal Or No Deal

Is coming to Anchorage...all clan members should congregate in garb at the Diamond Center on July 28 around 11pm. Open door tryouts begin at 10 am on Saturday July 19. An Anchorage Radio Station is giving away bracelets that will garentee you to get a try out...but I have never camped out for anything have one of us get on that show would be so cool. I have managed to get Eric into the first 200 interviews by knowing the right people but this still does not garentee he will get in the door...4 hours of interviews that is it...Not sure what they do for the interview process but I believe with the whole clan their in garb we will at least get noticed...and if that dont work our Charmin (whom we still have to get blogging) will have to put a hex on them.
So with most of the clan in LA at the moment I will assume I get No comments on this blog and am probably talking to myself...not unusual for me though. So in my reality I am going to bed before my sister shows up with my daughter......

Sunday, July 16, 2006

A Happy Birthday Was Had By All

All I can say is I AM GLAD I DID NOT CLEAN BEFORE THE PARTY!!! Spent the day getting ready for Britts Party. Her guests arrived arround 3 and were borred stiff by the time dinner was served at about 6...with so many people in the house...Eric thought of a great way to take care of the partiers that were hidden away in Britts room...we slopped them...filling a TV tray with BBQ meat and Macaroni Salad, placing 7 plastic forks into the meat, and a bag of the door slide in the tray and slam the door quick before any of them escape...
It worked well except Noe was the one by the door and I am not sure if she realized that plate was for them all.
After dinner John and Jen decided it was time to take her three kids home for bed, he has inherrited two boys, ages 11 and 6 and a little girl who is 5. Elizabeth will be thrilled when she returns and finds she has brothers and a sister now. Before their departure Donny thought I should entertain the kids with some balloon twisting.
I have been twisting all day making decorations for the party...Heidi started twisting when the idea hit me...a water monkey...thinking I was being cool...I filled a balloon with water...not our ordinary size balloon but one larger...tying it off I began to twist a monkey...was not bothering to think that the monkey pops quite frequently...this got the teen agers attention and I had an audience...untill the balloon popped...splattering me with cold water...and the fight was on...I grabbed my belt and ran for the house before all my balloons became amo...retrieved the old funky box we have and the water began to fly.
Not sure how many people were involved in this battle but the battle did not remain outside...balloons were coming through windows and doors, flying out windows and doors...Eric stayed hidden inside for the most part but eventually his dinner settled and he joined the fight. Heidi staked out the kitchen sink and filled balloons, popping her head out the door long enough to throw one at someone. I think this may be why my floor became a swimming pool. Not sure who won but I will say it did not rain on Brittanys Birthday.


Well what used to be my baby turns 14 just 4 more years and I could have retired!!! Oh well just send gifts send the gifts to me and I will feel better, kay?
No special plans for my non-materialistic girl...just "friends, food, and "no four year old birthday party stuff"'....hehe fine take all the fun out of it for mom. But she did not forbid Eric from having some fun at her expense.
Do to her large social life she had to plan two parties...can not have the two groups of friends hanging out together. she hosted one with pizza and cupcakes last night today we will be doing "the family" thing. Open invite to all friends and family...BBQ around 5ish...she may or may not be her...I have informed her IF she is not...I GET THE PRESENTS!!! So bring me something real cool. No need to worry about gifts she is only worth a nickel, and maybe a role of Duc-Tape.
Rain, Rain, go away,
Never a drop on Britts birthday.
a walk in the park,
picnic on the beach,
britts birthday, is beyond rains reach.

Friday, July 14, 2006

It's Raining

Thank God it waited till I was done delivering the three van loads of balloons, the wind is damaging enough in this profesion.
Todays deliveries mostly consisted of the alot of funny looks when I walked through the door with 60 giant helium lady even asked if they were all for one that would piss off a nurse...hehe...i laughed and informed her they were for the gift shop. Once a week we fill the balloons that are still unsold making them look fresh and new and we restock...usually keep 200 balloons in stock at Prov. Funny how many people buy balloons in the hospitol...that was sarcasm guys!!
Made a delivery to the Conco Phillips that looks like an employer one would want to work for...every employee...except the gal at security, was smiling...they all seemed happy...and the whole downstairs is filled with a food court just for looks like the one at the mall...and only the employees use make it better...the food is free!!!! Guess that has something to do with the price of oil in China. Anyway it must have been appreciation day...I delivered them 26 cookie boquets...these have a dozen cookies and 7 balloons...all done up pretty like. along with 26 seven balloon boquets that come with half a pound of M&M's. Man that was a van full...and lets talk wind...thought I was going to see down town from an ariel view!!
Finishing that delivery I returned to the shop and found another one waiting for me that needed to go to the AT&T Alascom this bldg my friends is on Government hill near Elmendorf...and it is a high security bldg...what do they do there that requires a level three, infared, cavity search, security system?
I got on Ft. Rich easier than I could gain access to this bldg to deliver a lousy four balloon boquet that the sender was too cheap to pay the extra 3 bucks for the M's. Tried to get the guard to just take it over or call someone for it...not a chance...took me half hour in security to make a thirty second delivery...the balloons were going to the guard right inside the damn door!!!
So to all those who are blogging about traffic...let me add my woes...TOURISTS!!! Where do they think they are at??? New York City??? Do they not see the street lights and the cross walk signs??? And whats with the old men in "wife beaters" and cowboy hats? Oh wait... those are the local drunks.
So my part time job has become a full time one...seems when they asked me for help they were "checking the water", their ultimate plan was for me to help Luis run the place for awhile. Pam is taking the kids and going out of state for to visit her family. She may be gone till school starts again...So I have graduated...I am allowed to bake cookies, package them and blow up the balloons...I am not allowed to "curl the ribbon"....even after 25 years of Christmas presents and over 500 balloons I still can not curl that damn ribbon!!! Stretch it yes, but no curls for me...
so Luis gets to answer phones, curl the ribbon, and manage the billing stuff (Pams job) and I get to have his...the fun part hehehe...I realy enjoy what I am doing...a bit tired but I am having fun..the house work is not getting done as it should but who cares when I can hide down stairs after work. good night reality

Thursday, July 13, 2006

It's Thursday...thats all I know...

Well gee...seems no one is blogging again these days...wonder what my sisters excuse is? Took the babies, Crystal and Donny to the lake to feed the geese...there were plenty of them to feed. Took the kids there a few weeks ago and the baby ducks, were mingling with the baby geese...this time the geese chased the ducks away...that is untill one stuborn duckling fought back...the little dude took on three gosslings twice his size and an elder with a bad attitude. This same elder goose took on Buddy for a hot dog bun...buddy got bit...the goose got clubbed...buddy walked with the bun. Never try to take food from that boy. Melissa was concerned that the geese were picking on the ducks and soon realized if she stood far away from us and threw her bread the ducks came to her, leaving the geese gobbling stale buns throw from fat dirty hands. The babies were so interested in eating the bead the kids actually touched them and they did not move away to quickly....untill the papa goose started hissing.
Was at least 80 today in LA...110 in my house by noon. Glad I was driving an air conditioned rig at work. Josh will soon be driving the BIG 7 up truck. He is hoping to someday to the "out of town" route. His bosses are pleased with him and he seems to be enjoying the work. He works best alone with assigned tasks to complete...funny how mommy is ALWAYS right!!
Donny too will be starting with 7up on Monday...he is replacing Josh as a merchandiser I do believe. If he gets a CDL he to can drive trucks....the company offers great bennys and if they do not screw up they could have good careers going here.
Ms Britt is spending as much time with her friends as possible...she leaves in two weeks and will not be back untill the day before school starts. Hopefully Keith will not be a jerk and nag the poor kid to death. She will not go back if he does...and I have told him this. Funny how easy it is to tell him he is being a jerk when he is 3000 miles away...and fun too. But she means everything to him and he usually cools off and calls her back after they have had a spat and I have told him off...he can NOT be the discplinarian when he only sees her for two weeks a year...not if he wants to keep seeing her anyway...this threat works well and he shapes up nicely for a while. Hopefully he will have a good time with her and she will come back happy. He is taking her to Disney Land...just them this five year old to dominate the attention.
So thats life at our house...
oh ya Homer...well he is around here somewhere...I think I saw him last night...between the babies and a cell phone calls from work...well Homer says I am writing a book here so I will go...guess I am borred or reality.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Finaly Made THE Call!

Well after paying bills yesterday, and discovering, we are broke...hehe what else is the packing undone and the laundry dented...cooked my man a meatloaf and went to bed early.
Today I resumed my normal schedual...went to work...after 5 trips to Providence I finally decided it was time to return the phone call made to me last Wednesday. The blood work that was sent south was all negative. This rules out lymphoma and leukemia. They will continue to monitor me by blood every six weeks, with a CT every 12 untill the counts drop or something shows I am still suppose to put on weight 10 above ideal body weight is suggested when in treatment...that gives me 30 pounds to play with...hell I could not gain that much when I was pregnant with the babies, so I do not think I will be able to achieve their goal...but who knows...I may crave chocolate cake, rhubarb pie, and lasagna!! So life returns to normal, sibbling spats, whiney board babies and four working adults...Yes they are both still working....and LIKING IT!!!.....hehe cross our fingers.
my reality

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Destination Achieved

Damn I am home again...damn I am home again. Alright we got that out of the way...trip was fairly uneventful...cant say the same for the person who was riding the motorcycle that hit the corvette on one of the corners through the flats. Held up traffic for quite awhile...but the body bag on the side of the road seemed to slow people down and made them mind their least till the Seward cut off. Did not notice father on the back when we arrived in Sterrling for lunch...hoping he jumped off in time and we did not lose him...A stop at the top of the pass to run the children and a stop in Girdwood for coffee...not the place to stop when traffic was held up for over an hour in the Kenaii flats. Guess everyone needed coffee. Saw no wild life but then I slept in back most of the trip...miss HITWRA already...but was glad to shave!!!See you all soon.