Well with the Christmas Presents wrapped and opened another year of Christmas hustle and bustle comes to an end...no the bows and paper have not all been located and the tape my husband wrapped the packages in is still annoyingly appearing on the bottom of my new fuzzy socks. But I have all year to clean that up now. so I am going to Blog. Hope all had a wonderful holiday filled with family, good food and lots of happy memories. Mine was the best one in a long long time...thanks to wonderfull friends...lots and lots of wonderfull food, and children who are wonderfully excited about two rolls of nickels and duc tape for christmas. and now a word from Melissa.....goodomo mffffftrnbinbvgg. . okay with that done she is off and playing and buddy is up. Over the last few weeks I have sensed alot of issues going on in the Blog world amongst my friends...I have not had the time or energy to read them and now it probably does not matter...I just want all to know my opion on the situation should it arise again....I believe as adults we are responsible for out own feelings...if you read something that is on someones blog and take it personel that is your problem to deal with....some assumed that things were directed towared them with out knowing for sure (communication girls)...next time assume otherwise unless you know for sure it is you...then address the person who wrote it one on one not in the blog....others see this and the drama grows. Most of us seem to print our feelings in our blogs...this should be allowable...but venting should be done with tact...leaving out details because of whatever reason leads others to fill in the blanks once again causing drama....COMMUNICATION. proof read your blogs before you post them also will allow you to see where parts may be taken wrong by others...either omit them or clarify them then post the blog....as adults we should be beyond the stage of judging others...not one of us is perfect and not one of us has not made mistakes...should a person I know chose to judge me from my past...I would not want to continue the friendship...obviously the person judging has not moved on and let the past go....the past makes us who we are today....it does not dictate who we have to be. So ladies with that said I need to get to the kids...I miss all of you and wish we could get together for coffee soon.... my reality |
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Good Morning to All.... So its been a couple of weeks again... I just can not figure out anything worth blogging... My brain is stuck in christmas and the cooking and crafts that go with it. Between Christmas and this huge house and of course the house guests...I have not had time to think about writing...not even my Christmas cards....think Safeway will have ready to send cards?? So tonight is the company Christmas Party. I will grow to look forward to these parties...Davis goes all out with the food and beverages as well as lots of games (with cash prizes). this year they have rented us rooms at a nice hotel and a limo will pick us all up at the hotel and return us after the party. I will feel like a queen for the night....is it time to go yet? So I am gonna go read blogs now....and hopefullt tommorow I will have something interesting to say.... |
Friday, December 02, 2005
Hello everybody. I was sitting here reading Blogs when I realized the time. I dont have time to coment on eveyones blogs as the kids are gonna be up soon and the next four days will begin...My father is haveing surgery today. He will be here this afternoon to rest...has to stay in bed for 12 hours after wards. At eight Erics dad will be getting here...he is having some major back issues and needs to see a specialist on the sixth...so why is he here now??? Returning from an accountants convention in Vegas (why do they schedual the anual Tax convention in Vegas??) They cant afford for him to fly back to Homer and then come back again...so he will stay here till his appointment on the sixth. Yippie ya for me...so much for sledding in Wassilla this weekend. We had plans to go to Joshs for Saturday and spend the night out there....go see Sarahs new house and maybe see Kianna and Marty if he's in town...but now I am stuck playing nurse maid for two grummpy old men. Jack comes from a ageneration where the women does it all while the man sits on his butt...guess he's gonna starve at my house. I want all my new friends to know that even though I do not make it here alot I love having you show up whenever to say Hi. I dont make it out of the house much...The boy child absolutly hates his car seat and usually screams his head off the whole time he is in it....I cant stand that. Plus if I stay home I dont spend all the money...i want to go on a vacation next year....need money for that... Okay a note to my friends...Kiana--get your bum into town sometime and stop off and say Hi, its been awhile since we have sat and talked. Sarah....we love you and sure wish I could be of help to you at this moment....know that I am thinking of you and that you will be missed. Anna...hell I see you all the time...okay already I will say something nice...quit whinning....okay cant think of anything nice...wait....nope sorry...LOL. Sister...hell go back and read Anna.....oh poo almost forgot Tabitha....(hehe) sorry sweety....I gather you have alot going on in your life...just want you to know that IF you need a neutral sounding board....I will listen....maybe offer a few opoinions...sometimes I have trouble shutting my mouth.....Have not known you long but like what I do know of you...Your such a younger version of myself.....This means we could be good friends...cuz I am my own best friend....(no one else can handle me for long...cept anna and thats cuz she has had to put up with alot of the shit htat has happened to me in the last 5 years...bless her heart...and the ditch that did not eat her. so I am blogging off now sorry this is so long...just wanted my friends to know I am thankfull for them.......................................my reality. |