Thursday, April 30, 2009

A song from my childhood....

and a lullaby i used to sing my own kids....

Monday, April 27, 2009

Flu at the Buffalo Wallow

Well not sure what we have but we are passing around a nasty little bug. Symtoms we have dealt with in this home are

itchy runny eyes
stuffy head and chest

or the first round of family anyway....Eric and Crystal had no complaints of Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea....common flu symptoms...

I just spent a day in bed...cant remember much except i was only waking to appetite, and all of the above symptoms also.

Melissa woke today with a high fever and vomiting along with the other symptoms above.

Due to dad's recent trip out and the arrival of Crystal from the lower forty eight recently I feel it is important for us to keep up on this...

Melissa's school reports an increased absentee rate and people are stating the itchy eyes and nose as their symptoms...

I will keep an eye on our states epidemiology web of now there have been no cases documented in our state...and this is more than likely just the end of the seasons flu...we run a bit later in flu bug season here in our states thanks to our colder weather.

Take Care of yourselves...avoid pigs...and wash your hands...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pork Public Notice....

Many different tales and theories exist about the human being eating the pig, or just living in close quarters with them...Biblical scholars believe the pig was actually a group of people who are being punished by god...we are not suppose to eat them as they are considered "unclean".

Medical professionals for years have considered the pig the "other white meat" claiming its nutritional values are equivalent to that of chicken or turkey.

Mythology has always labeled the pig as as negative impact on the world...many are punished by being turned into pigs.

Me I believe the pig is a with it as you want I guess...I dont prefer the meat of a pig unless it is processed with a lot of smoke and salt...and here is the reason...

Pigs and people have comparable immune systems. the only two creatures on earth that can "vector" viruses and bacteria to meet the others genetic code. You have to understand the mechanisms of a virus and how it reproduces to comprehend this, but trust me or go look it up if you must...
a virus that infects a pig will collect some of the pigs DNA...this allows the virus to infect the next pig in a bigger and more traumatic way as it now "resembles" the genetic code of the pig and the pigs body will not fight it as fast...

When a person comes in contact with the breath or body fluids of a pig, the person can contact the virus the pig this virus is not to susceptible to man yet but as it travells through the first person it will replace some of its RNA with the persons thus being able to be identified by pigs of people...

With each "pass" of these little critters they grow stronger and more resilient to our immune systyms...and now...well "Swind Flu" is making its come back...

Now I am just getting over the flu...not sure if it is the "Swine flu" or not as it seems to be just getting going and I know of no one that has been out of the state in the last two weeks...but with tourist season coming and Easter just ending...well we all need to be careful...

So...Swine Flu....yes it makes you sick...drains your orifices like water falls...and yes it can be deadly if your young, old, or weak...but more so if your between the ages of 25-44....why this age group? Well of course since they thought they irradicated this virus there has been little studies done...but it appears that most of the deaths associated with this flu are in middle of the only illness's that seem to attack middle aged people the worst...

Prevention is the best medicine here...hand washing of course...but avoid buying pork...the virus can be passed through the juices that are in the meat as pigs "sweat" through their meat....and sweat is one of the leading vehicles this bug takes to exit its host...If you can not live with out pork...wash it before you cook it and be sure to not handle it with open wounds. Cook it well and wash up with bleach after words as bleach is one of the only things that can break the walls of a virus down and kill the RNA inside...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Reincarnation? This is amazing