Monday, April 02, 2007

A Walk Through Time

Yesterday after much begging and whinning, Donny convinced me to go to the Sportsmans Show at the Sullivan arena. Arriving we discovered parking was non-exsistent. So he got his second for the day...we went to Worthington Ford...they were offering "free parking" a kiddie petting zoo and poney rides as well as Cal himself...I was nervous but upon pulling on to the lot...I discovered when the Big Guy is in town, his "No strings Attached" policy is in place...Several car dealers and man who did not understand English directed us to a back lot that just so happens to have direct access to Ben boke....funny I got front row parking and did not have to pay 10 bucks....I parked the Yukon on a solid sheet of ice...but who cares...its free and front door....
The show I discovered takes up all three buildings...I got ripped off the last three times I went...I thought it was only the Sullivan...So we trooped the babies through...they were wonderful...Warren will deffinatly be a sportsman...he picked out a Winchester...I think it was quite old as the guy had it in a glass case...yes dad I got you a few brochures on the local gun shows and their should have time now....dragging warren away from the guns we found the fishing section...yes I waited in line so the kids could cast their first lines...some good size arctic charr were swimming in that was not catch and could take your fish home or donate it to Beans Caffee...we did not catch any fish...Melissa was afraid to go near the pond...Sharks!! Warren was trying his hand at fly fishing with a hook and egg...the little gal beside us was shielding her face and I was attempting to not fall in the pond!! Warren was not happy when it became time to move on...untill...Donny drug us to the Salmon Shark Hunters!!! Now this Warren was mesmerized by...and Lou was...well lets just say she may NEVER go out on a boat!! So Warren has the fever...he has been toting Melissas Dora rod around....maybe my Junior Buffy will catch his first King Salmon this year....any fly fishermen willing to tackle the job??
Well this post was suppose to be about my walk through time...Warren seems to have dominated it and I would not want to compete to closely with the Prattler so I will spare you today...but stay tuned for tomorrow...My Walk Through Time.

Comments on "A Walk Through Time"


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (10:08 AM) : 

That is a big show, been several years since I have been there - it is alot bigger when youhave to sit at a booth all day and answer ther same questions! We will get Warrne into the fishing -- but why don't we start him out with Dollies! Thre is nothing like instant sucess to keep a kid hooked on fishing. When did someone impose the length of blogs? I always assumed that you spoke what you thought and wrote what you spoke regardless of the duratiohn of the bloviation. If blogs were intended to be shorter, our screens would be smaller - youhave the space, fill it up! Waste not want not!


Blogger Princess Sarah said ... (9:11 PM) : 

Im glad your children felt better! I hate having sick kids.


Blogger Heidi said ... (6:11 AM) : 

Pussy cow pussy cow pussy cow!


Blogger Shana said ... (8:31 PM) : 

???Is she calling me a pussy or a cow???


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