Monday, September 11, 2006


Well shit, try to put it together an "shit happens" to ruin it all. I must have "jinx" written all over me. Not wanting to be in a "horrible financial position" again I realized that I have a problem with finding time to be an "organized bill payer" yes the bills get paid but not in a timely fashion and I can not seem to get them on a schedual. Wishing I knew more about this I went to Consumer Credit Services of Alaska. At first I was pretty immpressed when the guy showed me how Eric and I compare to other our age financially...we do not have a bunch of credit cards slowing us down. Only three. I left that day feeling great, we are on the right track. Unfortunatly the next apointment did not go as well. With winter coming on and basing our out going expenses on last year we will be in forclosure by next summer. Seems we got hooked up with a "back woods" morgage company who approved us for more than we could afford. "A common scheme by bankers as it is a win win situation for them." Sounds like it should be illegal, but it is not. So once again I find myself "fighting" another battle.
Josh and Crystal should be out by the second week of October, they are currently looking at places. I will still be the baby sitter untill other arrangements can be made. It is my hope that Donny to will move out soon, this will allow me to get a daycare license and the state will pay me to babysit my grandchildren. I could pick up one other full time and a before and after schooler. This will bring in about 1800 a month. THE MORGAGE PAYMENT!! Then we could live off of Erics wages all winter.
So I have the plan...but now I have to wait on others to do their thing. Donny wants out but since he is newly employed money to move out will take him at least two months. This sets be behind another two months....Takes the state at least thirty days to do the paper work for day care assistance, (and they expect an employer to wait that long untill the parent can be free to work?) Seems our system is set up ass backwards and causes more problems than it is worth.
So either I need a suicidal babysitter who can handle four young children for minimal rewards so I can return to work full time...or I need 1500 dollars to move Donny out on the first...anyone know a suicidal babysitter?

Comments on "STRESSED OUT!"


Blogger Tabitha-n-AK said ... (3:03 PM) : 

my uncle still has those places on reka


Blogger Shana said ... (10:29 PM) : 

Tab your an angel, are they still available?


Blogger Heidi said ... (10:47 PM) : 

Rentals?...becuase I have house guests that need a rental.


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (11:10 PM) : 

Hey, I do not have a rental but I do have renters that I would like to replace.


Blogger real eyez said ... (11:28 PM) : 

Hey do I know them?


Blogger john r mclay said ... (5:45 AM) : 

9-1-1 Nanny, Shana.


Blogger Princess Sarah said ... (6:40 AM) : 

hamg in there shana, it will work out somehow


Blogger Shana said ... (1:19 PM) : 

sure it will would not notice a few extra would ya? Rentals, renters...seems like an algebra equation...find the third variable....never been no good at that.


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