Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Ya right...when will it hit 50? When will I get a full day of sunshine? Hopefully this means we will have a wonderful hot June and July!! Water is gone outa the yard...and the snow is almost melted...been raking leaves...a couple years worth I am going to the duck poop was between layers and easy to rake up while it was still slightly frozen.
So the campers clean...mostly working...and ready for fill up.
Not a lot going on...wonder if I had a preminition of the Virginia shootings...been a few days I have had that "feeling of doom" now it's gone....
Seems rather chicken shit to lock down and shoot a bunch of people then turn the gun on ones self...but I can not help but wonder if he did not know something.
One of our worlds top scientists was killed at that school...Kevin Granata...
It appears that several of our nations top bioengineres also are professors at that particular university...We studied a project he founded on mechanical movements in nursing school...I attended a seminar of his in Seattle on the topic...the only seminar I did not nap through. I find it sad that such a wonderful mind, that actually had a sense of humor, was destroyed by what they claim started as a "domestic dispute"...this man is the mind behind a lot of the cerebral palsy progress. I do believe he helped design the computer program for gait labs...he has done wonderful things for Cerebral Palsy...
Well the kids are up and begging to type...melissa says hi...If I sound out the word she is able to to identify its letters and type the word...hoping kimmy will get her started on the Dr Sues books...she idolizes kimmy...Well her helping has drug this blog out a half an hour...gonna go now..she is driving me nuts...hehe and she typed it....

Comments on "SPRING"


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (10:25 AM) : 

What cha mean, it has been running in the 50's down here for the past week - the AA parking lot is bare gravel and tomorrow I am going to attempt to plow the HITW - my snow plow may be bogged down to the frame come Memeorial Day week so you will need to go around me.


Blogger Princess Sarah said ... (11:13 PM) : 

I almost hit 55 yesterday, today was cold though, no sun to warm us up! I hope it is a great summer


Blogger Heidi said ... (7:40 AM) : 

My yard is still so full...I think I might be enjoying green trees, spring flowers, and most wonderful wild Ivy ...oh and a yucky hospital cot... while the rest of my clan cleans up yards. Not only do I NOT have to go to Camp, but I may get out of the GROSS part of spring clean up...but most likely I will be doing it when I return and stuck at home.


Blogger Heidi said ... (7:54 AM) : 

You know ...I never really thought of who made the technology. Its sad that I know who was behind the creation my commuter software but not the man who helped with the technology/knowledge/research that would help my kid the most. Thanks Kevin...


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