Sunday, September 24, 2006

Happy Birthday Pope, the tequila is all gone!

All I will say is....Whatever they say is probably true....but it was fun!

Comments on "Happy Birthday Pope, the tequila is all gone!"


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (1:16 PM) : 

Are you telling us that our "what cha call him" was partaking in a sinful drink? I thought he was required to take a vow of absense of all sin after we named him our religous guru! That is a shame that he could not even go four months into his tenure as our "what cha call him" before he slipped back into the depths of sin. Perhaps he should take a sabatical and search his inner self for the rightous path. What a shame, I thought we had some one to enlighten those that partake in the comsumation of malt beverages to excess, in particular the Alpha Male Wolf and the Horny Bufflao, but it appears that he has slipped to their depths of dispair. It is just a flwxvimd shame!


Blogger Shana said ... (3:27 PM) : 

heck the boy can hold his liquor, and marshmellows, and can catch an egg.


Blogger real eyez said ... (10:58 PM) : 

I know my hand still hurts and I found marshmellows in my prse this afternoon!


Blogger real eyez said ... (10:59 PM) : 

Oh, hey how is your monkey...?


Blogger Shana said ... (7:06 AM) : 

monkey is swell...he loves his new job...sorry bout the marshmellows...heidi kept taking them from the trash...had to hide them somewhere...knnhyw...when I log in on my own damn account I should NOT have to prove who I am!!!!


Blogger Heidi said ... (10:26 PM) : 

I am still find marshmellows!!


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