Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Back To School

Trying to decide what I want to do with my life...I decided to check into furthering my education. I filled out the "transfer" paper work a few weeks ago. Hearing from the UAA today I was informed they only have one class left that I need to qualify for Abnormal Psychology Counseling...this would allow me to work at places like API. Not interested...but...with all the other credits I have aquired I will soon be holding a CES (childhood education specialist) this certificate allows me to work as a counselor for both families and children. I also have the credits for a "general counseling" certificate, and there was one more...getting overwhelmed I tuned it out. Here I thought I would have to start all over again in a different area...come to find out...I do not even need to go back to college. Man that made me feel better...and mom...I am no longer "wasting" my education...I have finally figured out how to make it work for me instead of the other way the care and the rest of my life.......

Comments on "Back To School"


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (7:01 PM) : 

Well, Shana - I can't believe you still want to go back to school! But I'm very proud that you do. I wish I were as interlectual!! By the way, this is Mom, not Dad!


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (7:22 PM) : 

Wow, I thought I waas having a dream, posting and not even knowing about it! Don't ask me why she did not blog in under her own name, that would have been a big surprise!!!! Hope it all works out for you, what is wrong working at API? Most peole think our entire family belongs at API! some folks just don't understand. Brandy just finished up working at API to get some of her clinical requirements completed, her comments was that it gave her "a better understanding of our family" don't know if I mentioned it, but Little Sister Pat was just notified that her final disertation (sic) was accepted and will now be awarded her Master Degree. She is so smart and I do not even know how to spell disertation (sic). Good Luck.


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (7:24 PM) : 

This is to go to pass up, your WV is gcabcdxdjrgc - longer than most comments! Well, I guess there was not enough spaces to write that one - let's try this one


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (7:27 PM) : 

You think I need education, first line, last post, fourth word should be "good" not go, unlike word verification I like to shorten up my words. I took shorthand in school, do they still use shorthand? I guess my typing classes and bookeeping classes aere also lost educational values! that is better - it is only ermca


Blogger Princess Sarah said ... (8:40 AM) : 

I would love to get a degree in something, so you go girl!!! hope it all works out for you.
mawbof funny


Blogger Heidi said ... (10:14 AM) : 

We get to many people trained in nutcases you may be admitted Dad. Best of gkixtz to you Shana!


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