Sunday, June 25, 2006

Need Something to read?

Cancelled my subscriiption to the paper when I found I could access it on line for free....register to use and its all (hey look I linked:) So today the winners of the 2006 writing contest are in...saddly I am not one of them...maybe next year I will actually submit something!
the writing are good I recomend taking the time to read them...the best part can read one every so often and their still there when you come back. So now no one has an excuse not to read the paper.....

Comments on "Need Something to read?"


Blogger Heidi said ... (10:17 AM) : 

I have tried in the past to get onto ADN.... I think you have to have a paper subcription to get their whole story.


Blogger MrsM said ... (7:36 PM) : 

No, I applied for a free account online and I can look at anything now (as long as I'm signed in). I've had the account for years and have never been asked to pay anything. Of course I don't actually live in Anchorage, so that could be why I've never been asked to pay.

Every once in a while I have to update my contact info before they let me read what I want, but the've never sent anything to my email or mailing address.


Blogger Heidi said ... (9:50 AM) : 

okay it worked... i now have a paper to read...


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (10:12 AM) : 

You can also read the Homer News, if anyoine would ever want to do that, on the net.


Blogger Heidi said ... (10:16 AM) : 

I go to homer news all the time... did you know you can do a search of your name??? when i looked up my dad there were too many referances to look at them all....oh yeah Heath was a bad boy!!!


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