Thursday, May 18, 2006

Let me Be The First To Say

Happy Birthday Dad!!
(hehe I will be the first since he is sleeping in my husbands recliner)
(and I made him sticky buns.)
(good thing he wont see this untill he gets home.)

Comments on "Let me Be The First To Say"


Blogger john r mclay said ... (6:11 AM) : 

YEESH! The term "sticky buns" with that picture could make us all call in sick - legitimately.


Blogger Heidi said ... (7:59 AM) : 

LOL...I hope those arn't the bun you made Dad.
Oh yeah you brown noser!!!! Get a life! But have a happy cexosegj! Or is it fvgeimp


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (11:05 PM) : 

Thank you for being so thoughtful, making those sticky buns so late at night so they would be ready at daylight. Homer was also very thoughtful, what other son-in-law would wake me up at 4:00 a.m., drainghte coffee pot, not make a second pot and go out the door knowing I would not be able to go back to sleep. As for my birthday picture, now I will not be able to sleep tonight! Not a good role model for "sticky buns" if that is what they are going to do to you. Have a safe cemyvcgy trip!


Blogger Heidi said ... (7:11 AM) : 

You can't leave this for 10 Days...


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