Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Just thought I would tell ya all...
I am going to mow the lawn...

Comments on "HELLO IT'S ME"


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (7:01 PM) : 

Wake up Shana, you are still napping and having a dream! word verification, 3rd attmept 4th Attempt 5th attempt, now how hard is it to type in the letters that see and send a comment


Blogger Heidi said ... (10:12 PM) : 

Will you come mow mine also? It may take a few times around to get rid of the snow....but if your up for it.

Word Verification
1st attempt
2nd attempt


Blogger Shana said ... (5:11 AM) : 

these letters for word verification do seem to get longer and the font is messed up...


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