Tuesday, February 05, 2008

I got Subs too...

The United States Navy played a large role in the production of The Hunt For Red October. The above photo is NOT one of our subs...or it might be...anyway...after weeks of unusually sunny weather on the Olympic Peninsula...the production crew was finally granted the lightening storm they were desiring during their filming in our area. Someone caught this picture during the scene they were suppose to be removing him from the sub.

Many of us were sitting in the station listening to the helicopter reports on the events happening out in the straight...a movie film is NOT top secret there fore they allowed us to sit and listen...none of us new at the time that there was NO actual sub in the area...in fact all the subs used in that movie were mostly staged...the Navy deemed it costly to use them although there were several Navy ships used during the film. I do believe it was the USS Enterprise and it's "small" fleet of floating guns that were there that day. Okay back to the story...

We were sipping coffee and eating the best Chocolate Cake ever when we heard a slightly panicked young man come on the radio...it seems they were filming a "dummy scene"...that is a Coast Guard Helicopter out of Port Angeles Washington...hanging from the cable is one of the guys we had to dinner regularly...cant remember his real name...we called him Moose. He was suppose to hang and act out retrieving someone from a floating object (sub)seems the Navy thought it would be funny to have a sub come up at just the right moment to scare the beejebus out of the crew on that helicopter...including Sean Connery...Humor in Uniform right? This event was talked about for quite sometime around our base...small towns do not forget to easily.

So the only "real floating" subs seen in that movie are a Navy one that was NOT suppose to be there and a Russian one that also was NOT suppose to be there...I would have to watch the movie again to figure out which scenes...another interesting fact about this movie...parts of it were filmed from the top of Mt Marathon in Seward...Weather was not being predictable in Washington...the crew heard weather patterns in Alaska may just prove fruitfull...they flew up...filmed and were back in Neah Bay before the weekend was over...

Thought I would show some sub pictures...wish I still had the rest of the film we took during this time...it was stolen with our camera and camera bag...but the memories are in my heart and mind...my brief trip to Hollywood...oh wait...Hollywood came to me.....

Comments on "I got Subs too..."


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (1:15 AM) : 

If you need any help, I can recite each line in that movie to you! However, was it a movie based on facts or fiction? You need to watch two movies, but first look into naval histroy and you will discover that a Russian Nuclear powered submarine sank off the east coast of the U.S. Thre is documented proof. Then watch the movie, "Hunt For Red October" which you write about and then watch the movie "K19 The Widowmaker" starring Harrison Ford which is a true story. After watching both movies, compare them and see how close you come to time, place, location, and players. It will give you a "thought to ponder". As a hint, Watch the charts where they make their plans to make the Red October disappear and then look at the actucal nautical charts as to where the real Russian sub went down.


Blogger Shana said ... (9:09 AM) : 

Need no help...I got the movie and the script...one of the movie people left it on a chair...lol...I did not steal it...I just acquired it...I have also watched K19 The Widowmaker...maybe I will add it to my collection next...saw a lot of common things in the two movies...maybe movie night we will have a double feature then a family talk. Josh seems to forget I to have some experience with the military.


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