Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Month!!

WOW a month I have been off line...okay real close to it though.

So while I was gone I would like to say I aquired a million dollars...but I did not.

I did however teach my dog to pull....he LOVES to pull...I have been working with him daily and soon he will be big enough to pull the on gas ya know.

So as the month of January draws to a close I am off restriction...still broke...and still not smoking cigarettes. Now I am going to work my dog...I will be back tonight for a good blog.


Comments on "A Month!!"


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (5:59 PM) : 

A posting! Wake up world, a posting has been posted - good to hear from you once again. I am so estatic tonight, after a month you come back on line, after two weeks your little siuter comes back to ys on line with anew posting, after several days which is a very long time, JD Plumma comes back on line, my days are now filled once again. What ever happened to your to your mother, daughter, son, husband, Tay, and Blondie? I still have them on my favorite list? Where did they go? You were gopne so long, I thought you were looking for them! Good to have you back.


Blogger Shana said ... (6:10 PM) : 

Sorry I hunted for them...but we do not have a blood hound...but beware I am


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