Friday, March 31, 2006

My 101st post.

HELP!! The Media has figured out the key to getting terrorist to talk...
Chanell 7!! Now normally I adore PBS but today...well my cable box is STUCK ON 7!!!
I mean STUCK ON!! I can not even turn off the box...
the remote must be changing the neighbors chanelles because it no longer works on my TV!!
How did they do it???

So a call to the cable company...."return the box to your nearest cable store for a replacement."
HELLLLOOOOO!!! Do I not pay them to help here? It is a real pain in the butt to laod up sick babies and go on this type of trip. Not to mention the line I have to wait in....... reality

Comments on "My 101st post."


Blogger Heidi said ... (4:35 PM) : 

Oh what a special day...your 101st post.....AWWW....I can remember the day.


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (7:22 PM) : 

Call "larry the Cable Guy", he will "get er done" for you. It appears that Eratic Whining is off line, very similar conditons as to yur site and my site last night, wonder what she is up to now or is it self protection? I guess she figures you can't get what you don't see. Looking forward to seeing all of you within a few days - maybe!


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (7:28 PM) : 

Hate to keep using your comments for a sounding board, but just caught Tinker Bell in my site again, adjusting the comments on one of my postings! I was looking at my site, all of a suddden it changed to a comment section of another posting as the comments were being deleted - what a sneak!


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