JOBS I HAVE HAD BUT LIE ABOUT HAVING SO AS TO MAKE MYSELF LOOK LESS OF A DORK..... sorry I am a dork...cant think of....oh,oh, I got arobice instructor...hey quit laughing it was the only job available in Neah Bay got me in shape even if I cant hold a rythym...but dorks dont teach arobics....jocks (staps) do. MOVIES I HAVE GREAT DIFFICULTIES UNDERSTANDING most of them....see its hard to understand a movie when Melissa is next to you questioning the reasons for everything and Buddy is drinking lamp oil. PLACES IN WHICH I WANT TO VACATION... Me personally????What someone actually cares what I want??? Well damn it I have spent so much time focussing on what the family needs and wants I do not really know...I guess anywhere there is ocean beaches and no children would be a vacation for me. FOODS I CAN NOT STAND... any on my furniture and floor!!!! At the moment I dont like requires chewing...accept the hersheys syrup wich could be the reason for the belly ache I am suffering from. Give me a month though and I dare you to try and find something I wont like...lets start with steak kay??? PLACES I WOULD RATHER NOT BE... well hmmm this one too is hard...flying on an air plane would be a good one wich I guess eliminates most of the world for me huh??? Cant stand being on a plane...cant stand being anywhere that I can not take control and save my butt if the need arrises...where do you go when your on a plane and something goes wrong????? yep straight down!!! ALBUMS IN MY COLLECTION I BLAME ON MY HUSBAND... what collection??? VEHICLES I HAVE NEARLY TOTALED... a ford tempo....damn people who are scarred of ice should not drive on roads that are icey as all get up down steep hills with lots of corners...others who are not quite as scarred but cautiouse can not see you stopped in the road on a blind corner....others coming down the hill on icey roads probably can not stop well despite my best effort, that even included a "flintstone" break job (yes i opened the door and put my damn foot down in hopes to stop my slowley slidding car from smacking her quivering hind end.) Yep I smacked her then the cop behind me smacked me, then the bus behind him smacked him, the truck next in line was lucky enough to have a bus in front of him and was able to see it round the corner and hit its break lights or we may have been trashed. I was the one who recieved the damn ticket. excess speed for road conditions...funny since my wheels were not moving just slidding verrrrry slowley. PEOPLE I TAGGED... since all my friends have tagged me and I am last to do this silly thing I have no one to tag so instead I challenge all of you to answer this one question........ WHY IS IT THAT WHEN WE CAN SLEEP IN THE KIDS ARE UP AT THE ASS CRACK OF MORNING AND WHEN WE CANT THEY SLEEP TILL 10??????? |
Comments on ""
JD hasn't done his tag yet!!! Make him do it!
LOL arobics instructor...
The kids question...because if they wake up slightly and dont hear us they get scared. If they hear a noisy house, they know everything is okay, and go back to sleep.
guess i need a recording of the vacume then.