Friday, February 27, 2009


Hello to all, sorry it has been a very long while since I have blogged. Been getting spring fever and now I have no spring cleaning to do in doors when the fever hits out doors...hehe

Just a quick up date before it is read in the papers. Josh was in a bit of a pickle...the HumVee he was driving was thrown from the road while on patrol of course they can offer no details or anything other than that he is ok and no human injuries were reported. "Unfortunately" the 200,000 dollar rig was destroyed, sounds to me like that was tax payer money well invested as it probably saved my sons life to be inside that rig instead of in two months two is going to be a very long year. Crystal is hoping to get back here before the end of March...not sure I like the idea of her traveling the Alkan alone with the girls but she wants the car up here so is planning on driving.

Nat says Hi to all and she wants her Birthday a GAMA Shana's so I am thinking one way or the other Crystal will figure this out....

Hope all are well and spring comes soon...

Comments on "Update!"


Blogger john r mclay said ... (7:17 PM) : 

I can't believe the Prattler hasn't been on! Must be busy "retiring". Good thing Josh bounces well, eh?


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (11:00 PM) : 

Sorry to hear that a rig was lost, but they are expendable and it did the job that it was designed to do, it protected our most valuable resource. Your mother and I just wrote to Josh and have him in our thoughts always. Like you, I don't like the thought of Crystal driving the Alcan in March. A lot can go wrong on that highway, especially in the winter, it is nothing to take for granted and a person had best be prepared. We were seeing some good signs of spring the past few days. But as I write, we are receiving plowable quantities of snow ~ this weekend is Snow Rondi so what can you expect? Why can't we have a Summer Rondi? Good to see a fresh blog, keep it up and you might nudge the Bull Buffie that his site is really out dated. See you all soon.


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