The time has come, Fall is here, I see the snow, It's creeping near.
Leaves have turned, fell to the ground. It may be spring, before the snow shovels found.
I sit and watch, as days grow short. Wondering about, next summers sport.
Will we play in, wind and rain. Or will the sun, come out again.
For now my friends, I anticipate, Holidays filled, with lots on my plate.
Yummy turkey, ham thats candied, mashed potatoes, and dads damn good candy.
To see the lights, up on the tree, I will thank GOD he gave you all to me (and the cool gifts too).
But my clan, please beware... next summ er games... I'll win my share!!
Being a loser is not all that bad really. Ask Dana what she is going to do with all those winner trophies of hers. |
Comments on ""
Love your Porker Trophy, perhaps we should have a pie eating contest next year! When all is settled, I will have all winter to comtemplate new games, I see a Mt. Marathin Race in the future or at least a Cross Country Dash - I get to be the finish line judge! Cute poem.
A Marathin Race is similar tyo a Marathon Race.