Friday, November 30, 2007


Well after five days...yes that was almost a whole week...the train is up, and the village is lit. Many years have past since this train circled at Christmas...recieving my dream of a lit village from my father, thanks to the video store my dream has come true. fathers train is circling his village and my dream is coming true.
With MILES of track (Eric had the same set as a kid) every Christmas I am hopoing to add more track and more "houses" to my village. will need a room of it's own.

It is never too soon to start a a tradition is if I take a couple of them and mix them...I get something new...and wonderful.

Daddy...every year for the rest of my life this train will circle. And every year as I watch it...I will circle back in time to many wonderful Christmas as a child...playing with what I always thought was a gift you bought I know the truth...I wont tell though...I have kids of my own...and hope that they too will enjoy many years playing with my I buy "them" new pieces of it for Christmas...hehehe...Someday...maybe this train will circle under my fathers Great Great Great grandchild's tree... a circle is beginning and no end.

Comments on "I NEED A CAMERA!"


Blogger Heidi said ... (9:07 AM) : 

It was way cool, your train...

but it just isn't the same without the gas station and the buildings that belong to the set. Oh and all those little cast iron hot wheels.


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (9:28 AM) : 

Glad to hear that you have put all the "treasures" to good use. The train set dates back to when we were in Oak harbor, before heath was born so it must be about a "77" or "78" so it is almost 30 years old - I rememger byt he time we got it all set up and the vilages, log trucks and cars all alligned, we had spent most of the day and covered a sheet a plywood. Do they stillmake the HO scale trains?


Blogger Shana said ... (12:00 PM) : 

They still make the is going to become a family project now...needs a lot of new track...guess age reduces a metals ability to transfer electricity...but that is the cheap part. Today...I clean the downstairs...fix the lighting...and put up the ply wood...hopefully tomorrow we will spend the day putting it all play with on Christmas...oh I need a new engine...have three and only one works. SANTA FE!!!! All the way.


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