Sunday, February 24, 2008


We are starting the cycle again...this time I am armed with a strategy. After interviewing a number of Mormons, Koreans, Samoans and blacks I learned how each of these races manages to live in community house holds. Meaning these races see the benefits in living in a home with several incomes to keep the house running...What I learned is I am not going Mormon...the expense of stashing a years worth of food, water and cleaning supplies for a family this size would suck...then I would have to rent another house to store it all ... Women seem to bring in the income in the Samoan homes...but most of the women I have talked to complain about ALL the same crap I do except they are out working too! Nope not for me.... Now the black families have an interesting pecking order...MOM is in charge...unless one has a bigger gun...Since I could never handle a gun big enough to deal with my family unless I found a good used cannon...that one is out too...Now the Asians...this is a very intelligent race...

The average house hold consists of a set of grandparents, parents and children. siblings often share the home also...Grandparents take the responsibility of the children and the home during the day and all the adults work...usually in family ran businesses...each employed member puts a designated amount of their pay into a "community pot"...this is to pay the bills that go along with the home as well as monies they send back to family in Korea....this leaves money in their pockets in accordance to what they are willing to make for themselves above and beyond the house hold needs.

So then comes the household up keep...mainly noted in all societies to be the womans chore I decided this had to change...with seven adults in this home there is no reason anyone person should have to do the damn dishes eve
ry I assigned child...teach em young and I may not be in this boat again someday...

House has been organized thanks to Anna and now I have control again...chore boards went up and letters were handed out to each person, discussing "their own issues" and what I expect accomplished from each of them.

With all things considered I feel this can work if all participate properly...and if not...well the Army will take four...Anna will get sick of me getting her stuck in swamps and Britt will turn 18...Donny?...He is going to live with me until he finds the perfect woman...then move the hell out....hehehe might take him till he is fourty but patients will pay

So the sun is shinning and it is cold...but not that cold...did not drop below 20 today...according to Fred here...he has had his mittens and hat on all day...hummidity level is up to 31% and it is 65.8 degrees in my room...

Tomorrow I turn a day older...and my oldest son getting married...

Comments on "and...."


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (9:10 PM) : 

The democratic form of government is the most difficult form of government as everyone is suppose to have an equal voice. Socialism is also vey difficult because everyone works for the common good of the whole, however, humnan behavior often inercedes and one person feels that they are doing more than the other. Capitalism is difficult, because everyone is out to make a buck and the little things in every day life never get done. I am all in favor of the Monarchy form, one voice, one ruler and all the rest fall in line. Happy Birthday! You have really gotten older since you were born!


Blogger Heidi said ... (9:18 PM) : 

I agree one boss, ME!!! Until I deem myself off duty then it shall fall to John.
It is nice of your son to get you a daughter for your birthday! Not every mom gets one of those on her birthday.


Blogger john r mclay said ... (3:03 AM) : 

I think it will be tougher going black or asian and, maybe, should stick to Mormonism (except you won't go to heaven, cause Eric's not Mormon)...yeah, what the hell! Asian it is!

There was an argument brewing on another site about "firsts". Is it safe to say I'm the first (at least in blogland) to say,
"Happy Birthday!" ?
WOW! NOW you're "almost 40"!
Where DID I hear that last June?...


Blogger john r mclay said ... (3:06 AM) : 

by the way - don't listen to that "Heidi" chic. She has been slinging false accusations around about photo thieves.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:43 AM) : 



Blogger Da Bears said ... (9:00 AM) : 

I figured by now you and your "chow-chow" would be heading for Nome, get a head start on Lance. Happy Birthday for next year in case I forget. Love ya


Blogger Stan Harrington said ... (2:46 PM) : 

I got an envelope, Nebraska also got an envelope ~ can't divulge the contents!


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